David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

Taiwangate?–Bush Appointees Linked to Secret Slush Funds UPDATE Taiwangate?–Bush Appointees Linked to Secret Slush Funds UPDATE

[FOR TWO UPDATES, SCROLL TO THE END.] Allegations that a past president of Taiwan illegally set up a $100 million secret slush fund to pay for overs...

Apr 2, 2002 / David Corn

W’s Biggest Enron Liability: The Case Against Thomas White Grows W’s Biggest Enron Liability: The Case Against Thomas White Grows

Army Secretary Thomas White, a former high-ranking Enron, told reporters a few days ago that "if I ever get to the point....where the Enron business represe...

Mar 29, 2002 / David Corn

Finally, A Not-So-Bad Bush Doctrine: Poverty Breeds Terrorism Finally, A Not-So-Bad Bush Doctrine: Poverty Breeds Terrorism

President George W. Bush has joined the root-causes-of-terrorism crowd. It seems this stunning development has escaped the attention of the conserv...

Mar 25, 2002 / David Corn

Populism: The Thriller Populism: The Thriller

A few years ago I concocted a theory about John Grisham I was too lazy to prove. Here was the hypothesis: This bestselling author was the most successful popularizer of populist n...

Mar 21, 2002 / Books & the Arts / David Corn

Is The Enron Scandal Over?–It’s Up to Joe Lieberman UPDATED Is The Enron Scandal Over?–It’s Up to Joe Lieberman UPDATED

[FOR AN UPDATE ON THIS STORY SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM] Is the Enron scandal over? It doesn't dominate the Sunday talk shows. It doesn't overwhel...

Mar 20, 2002 / David Corn

W’s Corporate-Improvement Plan: Breaking with an Enron-ish Past W’s Corporate-Improvement Plan: Breaking with an Enron-ish Past

It may well be easier to preach corporate responsibility than to practice it. At least for George W. Bush. Earlier this month, Bush released a "plan to impr...

Mar 14, 2002 / David Corn

Bush’s New Nuclear Weapon Plan: A Shot at Nonproliferation Bush’s New Nuclear Weapon Plan: A Shot at Nonproliferation

After George W. Bush's tough talk about the "axis of evil" unnerved allies--and forced the Administration to dispense assurances it was not about to go half...

Mar 11, 2002 / David Corn

Bush’s Enron Deal Bush’s Enron Deal

Did George W. Bush once have a financial relationship with Enron? In 1986, according to a publicly available record, the two drilled for oil together--at a time when Bush was a n...

Mar 7, 2002 / David Corn

W.’s First Enron Connection: Update on the Bush-Enron Oil Deal W.’s First Enron Connection: Update on the Bush-Enron Oil Deal

Editor's note: Below is David Corn's article, posted on March 4, 2002, that first broke news of the Bush-Enron oil deal. An update follows. Did Geor...

Mar 4, 2002 / David Corn

Bush Tells Welfare Moms to Work More–How Pro-family Is That? Bush Tells Welfare Moms to Work More–How Pro-family Is That?

It's amazing some politicians don't get whiplash when they speak. Take the President. On Tuesday, while unveiling his new welfare plan at a church in Washin...

Feb 27, 2002 / David Corn
