David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

Iran/Contra Rehab Iran/Contra Rehab

The Bush Administration is turning into one big rehab center for the Iran/contra schemers of the Reagan/Bush White House. The latest case involves retired Adm. John Poindexter, w...

Feb 21, 2002 / David Corn

Bush’s War in Afghanistan: A Case of Big Mission Creep? Bush’s War in Afghanistan: A Case of Big Mission Creep?

Did the United States recently engage in an illegal act of war? On February 19, "The New York Times" placed on its front page a story headlined, "In...

Feb 20, 2002 / David Corn

Post-Campaign Reform Reform Post-Campaign Reform Reform

Hurray for campaign finance reform--well, kind of.

Feb 14, 2002 / Feature / David Corn

US Mis-strikes in Afghanistan: Accidents or Possible War Crimes? US Mis-strikes in Afghanistan: Accidents or Possible War Crimes?

Have US forces in Afghanistan engaged in war crimes? That's a provocative question, the sort of query that few, if any, reporters at the Pentagon br...

Feb 13, 2002 / David Corn

Why the Right Loves Bush Why the Right Loves Bush

It was the start of another Conservative Political Action Conference--the annual gathering of several thousand activists--and Republican Party chairman Marc Racicot, in unexcitin...

Feb 7, 2002 / David Corn

US Commandos Kill Innocents, CIA Pays Off Kin–A Model Program? US Commandos Kill Innocents, CIA Pays Off Kin–A Model Program?

Two months ago, I wrote a piece for the "The Los Angeles Times" proposing that Afghan civilians who had lost relatives, limbs, homes and businesses due to e...

Feb 7, 2002 / David Corn

Bush and Lay: A Common Pattern of Stock Dumps? Bush and Lay: A Common Pattern of Stock Dumps?

I had hoped to be reporting in this space today the answers of disgraced Enron CEO Ken Lay to a host of impolite questions. As you might have heard, Lay wa...

Feb 4, 2002 / David Corn

Enron End Run Enron End Run


Jan 31, 2002 / David Corn

Bush’s Untouchable State of the Union Bush’s Untouchable State of the Union

He sure didn't leave the Democrats much room to maneuver. When George W. Bush delivered his first State of the Union address--a two-ply speech divided bet...

Jan 30, 2002 / David Corn

Enron on the Hill Enron on the Hill

For weeks, conservative commentators and Bush White House defenders have been huffing that the Enron matter is a corporate scandal, not a political controversy--that it is an affai...

Jan 24, 2002 / Feature / David Corn
