David Corn

is Mother Jones' Washington bureau chief. Until 2007, he was Washington editor of The Nation.

The Secret War to Come The Secret War to Come

The White House is likely to keep a don't-rock-the-boat Congress in the dark.

Oct 18, 2001 / Feature / David Corn

Intelligence Test Intelligence Test

Another Pearl Harbor! That was the reaction of many after hijackers managed to turn airliners into low-tech cruise missiles and kill 6,000 people.

Oct 3, 2001 / Feature / David Corn

Is the FBI Up to the Job? Is the FBI Up to the Job?

In May 2000, Louis Mizell Jr., a terrorism and security expert in Washington, received a call from Jake White, an acquaintance who was a bouncer at a strip club in Omaha. White to...

Sep 27, 2001 / David Corn

The Democrats’ Dilemma The Democrats’ Dilemma

So long, politics? As George W. Bush mounted Operation Noble Eagle, Republicans and Democrats found little over which to disagree. In the days after the September 11 terror attack...

Sep 20, 2001 / David Corn

The Dark Smoke The Dark Smoke

The military and the national security bureaucracy are quick to use the terror attacks to demand more funds and discretion.

Sep 13, 2001 / David Corn

Al, Don’t Run Al, Don’t Run

He may have been screwed out of the election, but he's still a terrible candidate.

Sep 6, 2001 / Feature / David Corn

A Bush Summer Rerun? A Bush Summer Rerun?

The next scene in Return of the Bushies may feature Brent Scowcroft, who was National Security Adviser to Bush I. The anonymous leakers of Washington are whispering that Scowcroft...

Jul 27, 2001 / David Corn

Popping Dimples Popping Dimples

Will Al Gore become the Dimpled President?

Jul 9, 2001 / David Corn

Rove-r and Out? Rove-r and Out?

Maybe that Karl Rove ain't such a genius. In the past few weeks Democrats have, with a touch of glee, been wondering about George W. Bush's Svengali-strategist as Rove has stepped...

Jun 28, 2001 / David Corn

Defining John Kerry Defining John Kerry

"Do you consider yourself a liberal?"

Jun 28, 2001 / Feature / David Corn
