D.D. Guttenplan



D.D. Guttenplan is editor of The Nation.

Donald Trump greets his fans at the Westin Hilton Head Island Resort and Spa; Hillary Clinton with supporters at a campaign stop in West Columbia.

South Carolina’s Democratic and Republican Primaries Are Taking Place in Parallel Universes South Carolina’s Democratic and Republican Primaries Are Taking Place in Parallel Universes

And race, as always, is the dividing line.

Feb 3, 2016 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan

9 Things You Need to Know About Tonight’s Iowa Caucus

9 Things You Need to Know About Tonight’s Iowa Caucus 9 Things You Need to Know About Tonight’s Iowa Caucus

Caucus math—and more!—explained.

Feb 1, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan

Bernie Sanders Set the Tone in the South Carolina Democratic Debate

Bernie Sanders Set the Tone in the South Carolina Democratic Debate Bernie Sanders Set the Tone in the South Carolina Democratic Debate

Clinton remains a formidable candidate, but at times it was possible to forget she was even on stage.

Jan 18, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan

Can Bernie Sanders Win Back Iowa’s Working Class?

Can Bernie Sanders Win Back Iowa’s Working Class? Can Bernie Sanders Win Back Iowa’s Working Class?

If he can’t, Donald Trump’s brand of right-wing populism looms large.

Dec 16, 2015 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan

The second Democratic presidential primary debate

Last Night’s Democratic Debate Took Place on a Different Planet Last Night’s Democratic Debate Took Place on a Different Planet

This planet—let’s call it “Earth”—is not just a dangerous place, it’s a complicated one

Nov 15, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan

Hillary Clinton rallies with union organizers outside a Trump hotel on October 12, 2015. Credit: John Locher / AP

This Time in Nevada, Hillary’s All In This Time in Nevada, Hillary’s All In

In 2008, Clinton took the state and its powerful unions for granted. She’s not making that mistake again.

Nov 5, 2015 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan

GOP Debate

Republican Candidates Beat the Populist Drum Republican Candidates Beat the Populist Drum

Big, powerful, corrupt bureaucracy works only for the big, powerful, wealthy, and well-connected—says big, powerful, wealthy, well-connected former CEO.  

Oct 29, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan

In the First Democratic Debate, Clinton Shows That She Really Does Know How to Play the Game

In the First Democratic Debate, Clinton Shows That She Really Does Know How to Play the Game In the First Democratic Debate, Clinton Shows That She Really Does Know How to Play the Game

And she typified all that is good, and bad, about Democratic liberalism.

Oct 14, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan

These People Are the Secret to Bernie Sanders’s Success

These People Are the Secret to Bernie Sanders’s Success These People Are the Secret to Bernie Sanders’s Success

Sanders leads Hillary Clinton by a comfortable margin in New Hampshire, and he has almost caught her in nationwide fundraising. How did he do it?

Oct 7, 2015 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan


Jeremy Corbyn Speaks, but Will a New Generation Listen? Jeremy Corbyn Speaks, but Will a New Generation Listen?

In his speech at the Labour Party conference, Corbyn appeared calm, relaxed and genial. But does his persona resonate more with the past than with the future?

Sep 29, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan
