Laetitia Sadier’s New Alliance Laetitia Sadier’s New Alliance
The Laetitia Sadier Source Ensemble is a great argument for the type of experimentation that only comes from a solid knowledge of music history and decades of experience making it.
Apr 7, 2017 / Erin Vanderhoof

Austra’s Ear for the Moment Austra’s Ear for the Moment
The band’s new album calls for the future by harkening to the past.
Feb 16, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Erin Vanderhoof

Leaving Home to Go Home Leaving Home to Go Home
Yaa Gyasi’s ideas about fiction are suffused with her lifelong attention to the fluctuating shadows that race casts on American life.
Aug 12, 2016 / Erin Vanderhoof

What Rebecca Schiff Knows What Rebecca Schiff Knows
Her most obvious forebear in minimalist stories is Lydia Davis. But Schiff is certainly charting her own path.
Jun 17, 2016 / Erin Vanderhoof

Stephen O’Connor Dreams of Thomas Jefferson Stephen O’Connor Dreams of Thomas Jefferson
Even as it condemns Jefferson for his immoral conduct, O’Connor’s novel still holds him up as a hero.
May 20, 2016 / Erin Vanderhoof

Beyoncé With the Good Art Beyoncé With the Good Art
Is it possible that the most hyped pop performer of our era could also be avant-garde?
May 9, 2016 / Erin Vanderhoof

Callan Wink’s New West and Old Feelings Callan Wink’s New West and Old Feelings
In Dog Run Moon, disaster strikes everyone, even those who are right living.
Apr 19, 2016 / Erin Vanderhoof

Her Name Is Lucy Barton Her Name Is Lucy Barton
For all the plot devices that novelist Elizabeth Strout uses, My Name Is Lucy Barton’s successes rest on the protagonist’s voice.
Mar 22, 2016 / Erin Vanderhoof