Are the Risk Managers Running Planned Parenthood? Are the Risk Managers Running Planned Parenthood?
Eyal Press on courage and caution among abortion providers.
May 30, 2023 / Podcast / Jon Wiener and Eyal Press

Will This New Book Change the National Debate on Poverty? Will This New Book Change the National Debate on Poverty?
Matthew Desmond’s Evicted, now a national bestseller, has exposed the calamitous effects of mass displacement caused by the lack of affordable housing.
Mar 29, 2016 / Feature / Eyal Press

Shelf Life Shelf Life
Khirbet Khizeh is a study in ambiguity of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
Feb 25, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Eyal Press
Shelf Life Shelf Life
Breaking the Silence’s Our Harsh Logic: Israeli Soldiers’ Testimonies from the Occupied Territories, 2000–2010.
Dec 5, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Eyal Press
Chilling Dissent on Wall Street Chilling Dissent on Wall Street
Corporate whistleblowers get the silent treatment from Washington.
Mar 6, 2012 / Eyal Press

Voices of Conscience in Israel Voices of Conscience in Israel
Why do patriotic members of an elite combat unit refuse to serve in the occupied territories?
Feb 7, 2012 / Feature / Eyal Press

The Sarkozy-Stiglitz Commission’s Quest to Get Beyond GDP The Sarkozy-Stiglitz Commission’s Quest to Get Beyond GDP
The Sarkozy commission advanced new ways of measuring progress—but hurdles remain.
Apr 13, 2011 / Feature / Eyal Press
Sarah Palin’s Mantle of Victimhood Sarah Palin’s Mantle of Victimhood
Surely Palin knows that it is easier to complain of being unfairly demonized than to pause for a moment in the aftermath of a tragedy to reflect on her own role in sowing rage an...
Jan 14, 2011 / Eyal Press

Tony Judt: 1948–2010 Tony Judt: 1948–2010
The Nation mourns the passing of Tony Judt, a historian and intellectual whose acumen, courage and range are renowned, profound and an inspiration.
Aug 8, 2010 / Books & the Arts / Eyal Press
A Blow to Privatization in Israel (and Perhaps Beyond) A Blow to Privatization in Israel (and Perhaps Beyond)
In an opinion rightly hailed as a "bombshell" in Haaretz, Israeli Supreme Court President Dorit Benisch did not deny that privatizing prisons might potentially save mone...
Nov 23, 2009 / Eyal Press