Twenty-Four Hours From Home Twenty-Four Hours From Home
Where, Ms. Bishop, should the boy and I be today? All precedent’s out of the question, the question out of something like itself but lacking answer. What we have here’s here as if…
Oct 27, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Graham Foust
Poem Windy and Continued Poem Windy and Continued
very cold. My small and panicked last kiss was like making a noise to make sure I was there
Oct 24, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Graham Foust
My Graham Foust My Graham Foust
Gone's the imposter. And gone's his gawky cross. Gone's his tweaked legacy's hit list--Hooray!-- and gone's his waste of song.
Oct 24, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Graham Foust