Hamas the Victorious? Hamas the Victorious?
The tangled diplomacy over UN recognition seemed to affirm that Hamas’s defiance pays greater dividends than the Palestinian Authority’s conciliation.
Nov 29, 2012 / Graham Usher
Will Lebanon Be Sucked Into the Syrian Vortex? Will Lebanon Be Sucked Into the Syrian Vortex?
There have been some clashes, but so far, the Lebanese—especially Hezbollah—have shown remarkable restraint.
Sep 5, 2012 / Graham Usher
Tunisia After the Elections: A Lodestar Worth Following Tunisia After the Elections: A Lodestar Worth Following
An emerging coalition between moderate Islamism and progressive social democracy may be the best bulwark against autocracy and extremism in the region.
Nov 10, 2011 / Graham Usher
Mahmoud Abbas’s High-Stakes UN Gamble Mahmoud Abbas’s High-Stakes UN Gamble
The Palestinian leader’s defiance of Washington was applauded in Ramallah. But his diplomatic daring has little chance of success without a unified national strategy that dra...
Sep 28, 2011 / Graham Usher

Can Palestine’s Bid for UN Statehood Revive the National Movement? Can Palestine’s Bid for UN Statehood Revive the National Movement?
The PA’s bid could mark a definitive break from the failed Oslo paradigm, which has brought Palestinians neither peace nor a state.
Sep 14, 2011 / Graham Usher

That Other Tunisia That Other Tunisia
Without social justice for unemployed youth, revolutionary hopes may descend into class war.
Aug 24, 2011 / Feature / Graham Usher

South Asia Without Osama bin Laden South Asia Without Osama bin Laden
Bin Laden's death offers President Obama a chance to end the war in Afghanistan and to prevent one in Pakistan.
May 12, 2011 / Graham Usher
Pakistan’s Missing Peace Pakistan’s Missing Peace
There's a hole in the heart of our Af-Pak policy. It's called peace between Pakistan and India. And no amount of aid will fill it.
May 20, 2009 / Graham Usher
Obama in Afghanistan: Careful What You Wish For Obama in Afghanistan: Careful What You Wish For
He says Afghanistan is the war America should be fighting. But on this much-ballyhooed listening tour, will he be hearing anything he doesn't already know?
Jul 20, 2008 / Feature / Graham Usher
US, Pakistan Differ on Al Qaeda US, Pakistan Differ on Al Qaeda
The US military's aggressive confrontation with the Taliban and its Al Qaeda cohorts in Pakistan is only making matters worse.
Jun 26, 2008 / Graham Usher