Victor Navasky: A Generous, Mischievous, Endlessly Entertaining Genius Victor Navasky: A Generous, Mischievous, Endlessly Entertaining Genius
The Nation’s former publisher remembers his former partner and lifelong friend.
Jan 27, 2023 / Obituary / Hamilton Fish

Remembering Mike Nichols Remembering Mike Nichols
Hamilton Fish remembers legendary film director and creative force behind 'The Graduate', Mike Nichols.
Nov 20, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Hamilton Fish
Remembering Bernard Rapoport Remembering Bernard Rapoport
Bernard Rapoport's death at the age of ninety-four has brought to a close one of the storied chapters in the history of American liberalism.
Apr 19, 2012 / Hamilton Fish
A Day Late and $3 Trillion Short A Day Late and $3 Trillion Short
The recently-exposed massacre in Haditha is just one example of American soldiers' abuse of Iraqi civilians.
Dec 15, 2011 / Hamilton Fish
Remembering Betty Williams Remembering Betty Williams
The robust Nation of today is the child of many parents, but the largest and oldest political weekly in the country owes a great debt to Betty Williams for her indispensable role...
Sep 13, 2011 / Hamilton Fish