Thinking About Committing Civil Disobedience in the Age of Trump Thinking About Committing Civil Disobedience in the Age of Trump
For the first time in my life, this liberal technocrat is considering going to jail.
Dec 21, 2016 / Harold Pollack

Why Obamacare’s Troubled Rollout Might Force the Cooperation Health Reform Needs Why Obamacare’s Troubled Rollout Might Force the Cooperation Health Reform Needs
The failures, though painful, might force both Republicans and the Obama administration to compromise.
Nov 11, 2013 / Harold Pollack

Lessons for Gun Control: Learning to Lose Right Lessons for Gun Control: Learning to Lose Right
Gun control advocates can take a page from Harry Truman’s long struggle for public health insurance.
Jun 4, 2013 / Harold Pollack and James Morone

We Fear Each Other, When Guns Themselves Are The Real Danger We Fear Each Other, When Guns Themselves Are The Real Danger
In guarding ourselves against remote dangers, we make ourselves more vulnerable.
Dec 20, 2012 / Harold Pollack

Romney’s So-Called ‘Moderate’ Stance Would Outlaw 90 Percent of Abortions Romney’s So-Called ‘Moderate’ Stance Would Outlaw 90 Percent of Abortions
Let’s get real: an abortion ban exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the woman would account for less than 7 percent of abortions that happen in America each year.
Oct 24, 2012 / Harold Pollack
On Cyber Monday, Click Off Amazon.com On Cyber Monday, Click Off Amazon.com
The giant online retailor evades paying state sales taxes and treats many of its workers horribly. It’s time to take our business elsewhere.
Nov 28, 2011 / Harold Pollack
The Worst Republican Debate Performance of the Night The Worst Republican Debate Performance of the Night
As governor of Texas, Rick Perry has presided over the nation's most disgraceful capital punishment system.
Sep 8, 2011 / Harold Pollack