Why Republicans Protect the ‘Honor’ of Offensive Team Names Why Republicans Protect the ‘Honor’ of Offensive Team Names
Conservatives have a convenient belief that when it comes to racism, it’s all about intent.
Jan 14, 2014 / Jeremiah Goulka

On Almost Getting PTSD in Iraq On Almost Getting PTSD in Iraq
What used to be called "shell shock" is now the daily stress of living in a war zone.
Apr 16, 2013 / Jeremiah Goulka

Lockheed Martin’s Herculean Efforts to Profit From Defense Spending Lockheed Martin’s Herculean Efforts to Profit From Defense Spending
The biggest defense contractors are reaping profits off taxpayer dollars—whatever the mood of the moment.
Mar 11, 2013 / Jeremiah Goulka

The GOP’s ‘Botox Solution’ The GOP’s ‘Botox Solution’
The formerly Grand Old Party’s cosmetic changes won’t win them the next election.
Dec 13, 2012 / Jeremiah Goulka
Why Does Mitt Romney Want to Bomb Iran? Why Does Mitt Romney Want to Bomb Iran?
The one key way in which Romney's foreign policy differs from Obama's.
Nov 5, 2012 / Jeremiah Goulka
Playing the Voter ID Card Playing the Voter ID Card
A former voter ID supporter realizes the real racial motive behind supposedly “common sense” reforms.
Oct 15, 2012 / Jeremiah Goulka
Confessions of a Former Republican Confessions of a Former Republican
How a former attorney at the U.S. Justice Department, former RAND analyst, and former Republican came to join the reality-based community.
Sep 10, 2012 / Jeremiah Goulka