Joan Walsh

National Affairs Correspondent


Joan Walsh, a national affairs correspondent for The Nation, is a coproducer of The Sit-In: Harry Belafonte Hosts The Tonight Show and the author of What’s the Matter With White People? Finding Our Way in the Next America. Her new book (with Nick Hanauer and Donald Cohen) is Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power and Wealth In America.

President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Blame Manchin and Sinema for the Delay on the Infrastructure Vote Blame Manchin and Sinema for the Delay on the Infrastructure Vote

The Dysfunctional Duo have been gaslighting, not negotiating, on the Build Back Better plan. Progressives were right to demand a vote on the bill, not a “framework.”

Oct 29, 2021 / Joan Walsh

a pensive Joe Manchin

Joe Manchin Is Reviving Harmful Myths About Poverty Joe Manchin Is Reviving Harmful Myths About Poverty

The Democratic Party has finally recognized that income inequality, not “dependency,” is what’s harming families. But Manchin is still pushing that 1990s-era belief.

Oct 28, 2021 / Editorial / Joan Walsh

Planned Parenthood volunteers canvass for Democratic candidates in Virginia

These Two Virginia Democratic Women Have a Real Shot at Flipping GOP Seats These Two Virginia Democratic Women Have a Real Shot at Flipping GOP Seats

Although the national narrative is “Virginia Dems are in disarray,” there are some bright spots for progressives.

Oct 27, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Gary Youngkin

Can “Glenn Trumpkin” Both Embrace and Escape the Disgraced Ex-President? Can “Glenn Trumpkin” Both Embrace and Escape the Disgraced Ex-President?

Running for Virginia governor, Youngkin is trying to have it both ways with the GOP base.

Oct 19, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Children in a Pre-K class

No, We Don’t Have to Pick Just One Policy to Help Kids and Families! No, We Don’t Have to Pick Just One Policy to Help Kids and Families!

And if Senator Joe Manchin is really pushing this, he should apologize to his West Virginia constituents—and the country.

Oct 14, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Joan Walsh on MSNBC

Women Yell Things to Me. But They’re All Compliments. Women Yell Things to Me. But They’re All Compliments.

Ever since I let my hair go to its natural white, I’ve gotten only positive feedback, especially from women. My conclusion? Representation matters—for older women, too.

Oct 12, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Fox News protest

Tucker Carlson’s Nightly Toxicity Is Poisoning His Brain Tucker Carlson’s Nightly Toxicity Is Poisoning His Brain

His latest racist rant about the “Great Replacement theory” was particularly unhinged.

Oct 7, 2021 / Joan Walsh

President Joe Biden and Speaker Nancy Pelosi

Why the Media Is (Mostly) Screwing Up What’s Happening With Democrats Why the Media Is (Mostly) Screwing Up What’s Happening With Democrats

Progressives are the pragmatists; Conservadems are blocking Joe Biden’s agenda. That’s it. That’s the story.

Oct 4, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Ilhan Omar

When a Delay in Congress Is Actually a Win When a Delay in Congress Is Actually a Win

A postponed vote on the infrastructure bill shows the growing power of progressives in Congress. Now, they have to figure out how to let voters know that.

Oct 1, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Terry McAuliffe

The “Resistance” Is Back In Virginia. But This Year, It’s GOP Resistance. The “Resistance” Is Back In Virginia. But This Year, It’s GOP Resistance.

After taking control of the governor’s office and the General Assembly in the last four years, this election Democrats have the money, but they don’t have the people power—at least...

Sep 27, 2021 / Joan Walsh
