Joan Walsh

National Affairs Correspondent


Joan Walsh, a national affairs correspondent for The Nation, is a coproducer of The Sit-In: Harry Belafonte Hosts The Tonight Show and the author of What’s the Matter With White People? Finding Our Way in the Next America. Her new book (with Nick Hanauer and Donald Cohen) is Corporate Bullsh*t: Exposing the Lies and Half-Truths That Protect Profit, Power and Wealth In America.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer with Texas Democrats

This Texas Democrat Doesn’t Want Proud Boys Standing Over His Grandmother as She Votes This Texas Democrat Doesn’t Want Proud Boys Standing Over His Grandmother as She Votes

Representative James Talarico is a rising star thanks to his adept pushback on Trump’s Big Lie and the Texas GOP’s anti–voting rights agenda.

Jul 19, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Biden Is Not Meeting the Moment on Voting Rights

Biden Is Not Meeting the Moment on Voting Rights Biden Is Not Meeting the Moment on Voting Rights

A passionate speech is no match for the GOP’s commitment to voter suppression and election subversion.

Jul 14, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump at CPAC

This Time Trump Is Right: He’s Only Getting Worse This Time Trump Is Right: He’s Only Getting Worse

On a weekend publicity bender, he praised the January 6 violence as a “lovefest” and continued his quest to make slain rioter Ashli Babbitt a martyr.

Jul 13, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump in front of reporters

Yes, Tomorrow Will Be Worse—Because of Journalism Like This Yes, Tomorrow Will Be Worse—Because of Journalism Like This

White House reporters are still confusing leaks and controversy with the stories most important for them to cover.

Jul 12, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Campaign poster for Kristin Richardson Jordan

Harlem Is Sending a Black Lesbian Democratic Socialist to the City Council Harlem Is Sending a Black Lesbian Democratic Socialist to the City Council

A radical poet and educator’s come-from-behind victory over a machine politician complicates the narrative that New York Black moderates rejected a left agenda.

Jul 8, 2021 / Joan Walsh

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy

Nancy Pelosi Outplays Kevin McCarthy Once Again Nancy Pelosi Outplays Kevin McCarthy Once Again

The House minority leader threatens GOP members who agree to serve on the Select Committee to investigate January 6. But Liz Cheney defies him, and now Pelosi has a quorum.

Jul 1, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Nina Turner Is Running to Join the Squad

Nina Turner Is Running to Join the Squad Nina Turner Is Running to Join the Squad

Can the Sanders surrogate win over her district without losing her supporters on the left?

Jun 28, 2021 / Feature / Joan Walsh

Bill Barr

Bill Barr’s Rehabilitation Tour Begins. Let’s Not Fall for It. Bill Barr’s Rehabilitation Tour Begins. Let’s Not Fall for It.

Democrats can’t let Barr off the hook for all the ways he abetted Trump’s lawlessness, even if he now calls some of it “bullshit.”

Jun 27, 2021 / Joan Walsh

President Biden with senators

Will the Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan Turn Out to Be a Bridge to Nowhere? Will the Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan Turn Out to Be a Bridge to Nowhere?

There are things to like about the reported deal. But progressives must make sure ambitious “human infrastructure” proposals are included in a reconciliation package.

Jun 24, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Senators at a For the People Act press conference

Is Performative Progress the Best Democrats Can Do on Voting Rights? Is Performative Progress the Best Democrats Can Do on Voting Rights?

So far, it seems like it. The apparent game plan requires patience, but that’s in short supply among progressives right now.

Jun 23, 2021 / Joan Walsh
