John Nichols

National Affairs Correspondent


John Nichols is a national affairs correspondent for The Nation. He has written, cowritten, or edited over a dozen books on topics ranging from histories of American socialism and the Democratic Party to analyses of US and global media systems. His latest, cowritten with Senator Bernie Sanders, is the New York Times bestseller It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.

Paul Ryan

Let’s Talk About Paul Ryan’s Scorching Duplicity on Gun Violence, Mental Health, and, Well, Everything Let’s Talk About Paul Ryan’s Scorching Duplicity on Gun Violence, Mental Health, and, Well, Everything

Congressman Joe Kennedy III calls out the speaker of the House for bending the truth following Las Vegas massacre.

Oct 6, 2017 / John Nichols

Supreme Court protest

The Supreme Court Just Might Be Ready to End Partisan Gerrymandering The Supreme Court Just Might Be Ready to End Partisan Gerrymandering

Desperate defenders of biased maps warn of a "redistricting revolution."

Oct 3, 2017 / John Nichols


The Most Serious Challenge to Gerrymandering in Modern Times Reaches the Supreme Court The Most Serious Challenge to Gerrymandering in Modern Times Reaches the Supreme Court

A Wisconsin case could break the grip of partisans on the process that defines whether elections are competitive.

Oct 2, 2017 / John Nichols

Tom Price

Good Riddance, Tom Price. But What About the Other Grifters? Good Riddance, Tom Price. But What About the Other Grifters?

The secretary of health and human services is out. The Treasury secretary and the EPA administrator should go next.

Sep 29, 2017 / John Nichols

Saudi airstrike aftermath

Congress Must End US Military Support for the Horrific Saudi Bombing of Yemen Congress Must End US Military Support for the Horrific Saudi Bombing of Yemen

A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Yemen, and the US military is making things worse. Four members of Congress want to force a vote that could get the US out of an undeclared wa...

Sep 28, 2017 / John Nichols

Roy Moore

Roy Moore Could Help the Democrats Actually Win Back the Senate Next Year Roy Moore Could Help the Democrats Actually Win Back the Senate Next Year

Republicans just nominated the one candidate who could lose.

Sep 27, 2017 / John Nichols

Trump addresses the UN

Is Your Senator Enabling Donald Trump’s Warmongering? Is Your Senator Enabling Donald Trump’s Warmongering?

Rand Paul tried to take away the president’s blank check for endless war, but a number of Democrats joined most Republicans in a Senate vote that let Trump keep it.

Sep 26, 2017 / John Nichols

Trump in Alabama

Why Donald Trump Attacked the NFL Players Who Take a Knee Why Donald Trump Attacked the NFL Players Who Take a Knee

He’s stoking racial divisions in order to maintain a grip on a Senate seat that Democrats are surprisingly competitive for.

Sep 25, 2017 / John Nichols

Harvard University Security Patrol

In the Manning Affair, Harvard Once Again Demonstrates Its ‘Liberal’ Values In the Manning Affair, Harvard Once Again Demonstrates Its ‘Liberal’ Values

This year, the university dumps Manning and Michelle Jones. In the 1960s, it honored Vietnam War architect—and admitted war criminal—Robert McNamara.

Sep 22, 2017 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Just Gave One of the Finest Speeches of His Career Bernie Sanders Just Gave One of the Finest Speeches of His Career

Outlining a vision of an America on the side of peace and justice, the senator shredded Trump’s brutish foreign policies.

Sep 21, 2017 / John Nichols
