John Nichols

National Affairs Correspondent


John Nichols is a national affairs correspondent for The Nation. He has written, cowritten, or edited over a dozen books on topics ranging from histories of American socialism and the Democratic Party to analyses of US and global media systems. His latest, cowritten with Senator Bernie Sanders, is the New York Times bestseller It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.

LAX Trump protesters

Donald Trump’s #MuslimBan Is Indisputably Un-American Donald Trump’s #MuslimBan Is Indisputably Un-American

Thomas Paine called this country into being as “an asylum for mankind”—not a discriminatory state imposing religious tests on refugees.

Jan 30, 2017 / John Nichols

Democracy Wins One as a Federal Court Strikes a Big Blow Against Gerrymandering

Democracy Wins One as a Federal Court Strikes a Big Blow Against Gerrymandering Democracy Wins One as a Federal Court Strikes a Big Blow Against Gerrymandering

A game-changing federal-court ruling orders Wisconsin to redraw legislative district lines that unfairly and unconstitutionally favor Republicans.

Jan 27, 2017 / John Nichols

‘The Economist’ Just Downgraded the US From a ‘Full Democracy’ to a ‘Flawed Democracy’

‘The Economist’ Just Downgraded the US From a ‘Full Democracy’ to a ‘Flawed Democracy’ ‘The Economist’ Just Downgraded the US From a ‘Full Democracy’ to a ‘Flawed Democracy’

And the problem is a lot bigger than Donald Trump.

Jan 26, 2017 / John Nichols

Donald Trump at his recent press conference

Donald Trump Intentionally Lies to Us Donald Trump Intentionally Lies to Us

He has no mandate. That fact has so unhinged Trump that he is shaming himself and his office by promulgating obvious lies.

Jan 24, 2017 / John Nichols

3 Days Into Trump’s Presidency, Blatant Lies Are Coming Out of the White House

3 Days Into Trump’s Presidency, Blatant Lies Are Coming Out of the White House 3 Days Into Trump’s Presidency, Blatant Lies Are Coming Out of the White House

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is using his position to utter “pants-on-fire” lies, as Trump aides embrace falsehood.

Jan 23, 2017 / John Nichols

President Obama Exits With an Embrace of John Lewis and the Idea of a Just America

President Obama Exits With an Embrace of John Lewis and the Idea of a Just America President Obama Exits With an Embrace of John Lewis and the Idea of a Just America

The last tweet from the Obama White House showed the president clasping hands with the congressman who has become a symbol of the resistance to Trump.

Jan 21, 2017 / John Nichols

Barack Obama Leaves as He Arrived: An Optimist Calling Us to Defend and Extend Democracy

Barack Obama Leaves as He Arrived: An Optimist Calling Us to Defend and Extend Democracy Barack Obama Leaves as He Arrived: An Optimist Calling Us to Defend and Extend Democracy

In the spirit of Tom Paine, Obama promises that the future is ours. “We just have to fight for it!”

Jan 20, 2017 / John Nichols

Donald Trump Has No Mandate—Sad!

Donald Trump Has No Mandate—Sad! Donald Trump Has No Mandate—Sad!

He pretends to be a strongman to compensate for his weaknesses.

Jan 19, 2017 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders questions Tom Price

Bernie Sanders Just Showed the Country How Wrong Tom Price Is for HHS Bernie Sanders Just Showed the Country How Wrong Tom Price Is for HHS

Price tried to spin his way around the moral question of whether health care is a right, but Sanders wouldn’t let him.

Jan 18, 2017 / John Nichols

The Congressional Resistance Grows as Dozens of House Members Boycott Trump’s Inauguration

The Congressional Resistance Grows as Dozens of House Members Boycott Trump’s Inauguration The Congressional Resistance Grows as Dozens of House Members Boycott Trump’s Inauguration

More than 10 percent of House members have now announced they will protest rather than celebrate on Inauguration Day.

Jan 17, 2017 / John Nichols
