John Nichols

National Affairs Correspondent


John Nichols is a national affairs correspondent for The Nation. He has written, cowritten, or edited over a dozen books on topics ranging from histories of American socialism and the Democratic Party to analyses of US and global media systems. His latest, cowritten with Senator Bernie Sanders, is the New York Times bestseller It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.

Steve Scalise’s Problem Is the Republican Party’s Problem

Steve Scalise’s Problem Is the Republican Party’s Problem Steve Scalise’s Problem Is the Republican Party’s Problem

The fresh face of the Republican Party voted twice against making Martin Luther King Day a holiday.

Dec 31, 2014 / John Nichols

Bill de Blasio Is Not the First New York City Mayor to Clash With Police Unions

Bill de Blasio Is Not the First New York City Mayor to Clash With Police Unions Bill de Blasio Is Not the First New York City Mayor to Clash With Police Unions

Mayors Fiorello La Guardia, John Lindsay and Rudy Giuliani all survived clashes with the PBA. Bill de Blasio will too.  

Dec 28, 2014 / John Nichols

Dickens Was Right: the Real War on Christmas Is the War on the Poor

Dickens Was Right: the Real War on Christmas Is the War on the Poor Dickens Was Right: the Real War on Christmas Is the War on the Poor

A Dickensian year when food stamps were cut and bankers got everything they wanted

Dec 24, 2014 / John Nichols

Thank Postal Workers by Fighting to Save the Postal Service

Thank Postal Workers by Fighting to Save the Postal Service Thank Postal Workers by Fighting to Save the Postal Service

The USPS will deliver 15.5 billion pieces of mail this season. Yet it is threatened by devastating closures and cuts.

Dec 23, 2014 / John Nichols

Zephyr Teachout, Hands Up United and John Oliver Made Our 2014 Progressive Honor Roll. Who Else Made the List?

Zephyr Teachout, Hands Up United and John Oliver Made Our 2014 Progressive Honor Roll. Who Else Made the List? Zephyr Teachout, Hands Up United and John Oliver Made Our 2014 Progressive Honor Roll. Who Else Made the List?

From the huge climate march in September to racial-justice activism, it was a year that saw renewal of movement-based politics.

Dec 22, 2014 / Feature / John Nichols

What Bernie Sanders and Dwight Eisenhower Have in Common

What Bernie Sanders and Dwight Eisenhower Have in Common What Bernie Sanders and Dwight Eisenhower Have in Common

“It is unacceptable that the Defense Department continues to waste massive amounts of money,” Sanders argues.

Dec 18, 2014 / John Nichols

VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Blasts Citigroup From the Senate Floor

VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Blasts Citigroup From the Senate Floor VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Blasts Citigroup From the Senate Floor

Out of the Senate debate over another sellout to the big banks comes the clarion call for a new populist politics.

Dec 14, 2014 / John Nichols

DC Voted to Legalize Marijuana. Congress Should Not Overrule It.

DC Voted to Legalize Marijuana. Congress Should Not Overrule It. DC Voted to Legalize Marijuana. Congress Should Not Overrule It.

Congress’s spending bill overrides Washington’s vote to legalize marijuana and thwarts the will of the people.

Dec 11, 2014 / John Nichols

Why Dick Cheney Is Wrong About the CIA Torture Memos

Why Dick Cheney Is Wrong About the CIA Torture Memos Why Dick Cheney Is Wrong About the CIA Torture Memos

The Senate Intelligence Committee is absolutely right to respect transparency and accountability with release of report on Bush-Cheney era abuses.

Dec 9, 2014 / John Nichols

Bogus Bipartisanship: Congress Cooperates in the Service of Corporations

Bogus Bipartisanship: Congress Cooperates in the Service of Corporations Bogus Bipartisanship: Congress Cooperates in the Service of Corporations

House Republicans and Democrats overwhelmingly approve extending absurd corporate tax breaks.

Dec 5, 2014 / John Nichols
