John Nichols

National Affairs Correspondent


John Nichols is a national affairs correspondent for The Nation. He has written, cowritten, or edited over a dozen books on topics ranging from histories of American socialism and the Democratic Party to analyses of US and global media systems. His latest, cowritten with Senator Bernie Sanders, is the New York Times bestseller It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.

‘Nuns on the Bus’ Are Not on Board With Paul Ryan’s Plan

‘Nuns on the Bus’ Are Not on Board With Paul Ryan’s Plan ‘Nuns on the Bus’ Are Not on Board With Paul Ryan’s Plan

Catholic Sisters say the Budget Committee chairman’s plan would “create untenable situations for those struggling to survive economically.”

Mar 14, 2013 / John Nichols

Paul Ryan’s Bumper-Sticker-Slogan Budget

Paul Ryan’s Bumper-Sticker-Slogan Budget Paul Ryan’s Bumper-Sticker-Slogan Budget

The Budget Committee chairman has produced a budget that only makes sense to the conservative base. And that’s fine by him.

Mar 12, 2013 / John Nichols

A Recommitment to the American Ideal That Labor Rights Are Human Rights

A Recommitment to the American Ideal That Labor Rights Are Human Rights A Recommitment to the American Ideal That Labor Rights Are Human Rights

While unions have taken a battering in recent years, the US once exported labor rights to the world.

Mar 11, 2013 / John Nichols

This Is What a ‘Talking Filibuster’ Sounds Like

This Is What a ‘Talking Filibuster’ Sounds Like This Is What a ‘Talking Filibuster’ Sounds Like

Rand Paul provided an illustration of what filibuster reformers have been seeking.

Mar 7, 2013 / John Nichols

Rick Snyder’s Detroit Takeover Plan Is Not What Democracy Looks Like

Rick Snyder’s Detroit Takeover Plan Is Not What Democracy Looks Like Rick Snyder’s Detroit Takeover Plan Is Not What Democracy Looks Like

The Republican governor seeks to give an “emergency manager,” not elected officials, authority over the city.

Mar 6, 2013 / John Nichols

Time for a ‘Right to Vote’ Constitutional Amendment

Time for a ‘Right to Vote’ Constitutional Amendment Time for a ‘Right to Vote’ Constitutional Amendment

How many dysfunctional election cycles are we going to endure before we accept the necessity of this reform?

Mar 5, 2013 / Feature / John Nichols

Paul Ryan Looks to Break an Old Promise With a New Plan to Mess With Medicare

Paul Ryan Looks to Break an Old Promise With a New Plan to Mess With Medicare Paul Ryan Looks to Break an Old Promise With a New Plan to Mess With Medicare

The House Budget Committee chairman is so determined to advance his austerity agenda that he’s talking about abandoning commitments to Americans nearing retirement.

Mar 5, 2013 / John Nichols

If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US?

If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US? If Switzerland Can Crack Down on CEOs, Why Not the US?

Swiss voters just empowered shareholders to restrict and restrain corporate abuses. The US should follow their lead, especially when it comes to corporate influence on campaigns.&n...

Mar 4, 2013 / John Nichols

Gotta Sequester? Or Was Cheney Right That ‘Deficits Don’t Matter’?

Gotta Sequester? Or Was Cheney Right That ‘Deficits Don’t Matter’? Gotta Sequester? Or Was Cheney Right That ‘Deficits Don’t Matter’?

There is a lot of hypocrisy in the sudden Republican obsession with deficits and debt.

Mar 1, 2013 / John Nichols

Voters Send a Loud Anti-NRA Message

Voters Send a Loud Anti-NRA Message Voters Send a Loud Anti-NRA Message

Robin Kelly's resounding victory in Illinois' special election for US House is a blow to pro-gun hawks nationwide. 

Feb 27, 2013 / John Nichols
