Thomas Jefferson Feared an Aristocracy of Corporations Thomas Jefferson Feared an Aristocracy of Corporations
The author of the Declaration of Independence warned against the threat to democracy posed by big banks and big corporations. Too bad the Supreme Court doesn't respect the original...
Jul 4, 2010 / John Nichols
RNC’s Steele Says: ‘The One Thing You Don’t Do Is Engage in a Land War In Afghanistan.’ Uh-Oh, Now He’s in Trouble! RNC’s Steele Says: ‘The One Thing You Don’t Do Is Engage in a Land War In Afghanistan.’ Uh-Oh, Now He’s in Trouble!
GOP chair's (generally) honest assessment of Afghanistan brings a call for his resignation from the party's neocon police chief, William Kristol.
Jul 2, 2010 / John Nichols
162 House Votes for an Exit Strategy From Afghanistan 162 House Votes for an Exit Strategy From Afghanistan
President Obama won House approval for spending to pay for his escalation of the occupation of Afghanistan, but it did not come without a fight. Twenty-five members voted to stop f...
Jul 2, 2010 / John Nichols
Why a Bank-Bashing Populist Democrat Opposed the Wall Street ‘Reform’ Bill Why a Bank-Bashing Populist Democrat Opposed the Wall Street ‘Reform’ Bill
Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, the most ardent bank critic in the House, voted "no" on the legislation backed by the Obama administration and Congressional leaders. Why...
Jul 1, 2010 / John Nichols
Elena Kagan Embraces Jefferson’s Original Intent Elena Kagan Embraces Jefferson’s Original Intent
In her second day before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Supreme Court nominee imagines an evolving Constitution—as did Thurgood Marshall, and Thomas Jefferson.
Jun 29, 2010 / John Nichols
Horrors! Kagan is Revealed as Nominee Who Respects Champions of Civil Rights, Underdogs Horrors! Kagan is Revealed as Nominee Who Respects Champions of Civil Rights, Underdogs
When Republican senators try to block a Supreme Court nominee by attacking Thurgood Marshall and the powerless, it's a pretty good bet that she'll be confirmed.
Jun 28, 2010 / John Nichols
Robert Byrd’s American Journey Robert Byrd’s American Journey
The senior senator from West Virginia finished his life as a true champion of the Constitution and the principle that all Americans are created equal.
Jun 28, 2010 / John Nichols
Supreme Irrationality: Republicans Attack Elena Kagan for Taking Same Positions as Goldwater and Reagan Supreme Irrationality: Republicans Attack Elena Kagan for Taking Same Positions as Goldwater and Reagan
An “opposition in search of a rationale" goes after Supreme Court nominee for her youthful opposition to the draft and no-questions-asked militarism. The problem is...
Jun 28, 2010 / John Nichols
Eight (Lonely) Votes For Common Sense Regarding U.S. Relations With Iran Eight (Lonely) Votes For Common Sense Regarding U.S. Relations With Iran
The arguments against poorly-structured sanctions against Iran were that they would undermine democracy movements, stir anti-U.S. sentiment and do nothing to promote disarmament. U...
Jun 27, 2010 / John Nichols
For Clean Campaigns: DISCLOSE Act—and Constitutional Amendment For Clean Campaigns: DISCLOSE Act—and Constitutional Amendment
Congress has responded to Citizens United with a meaningful piece of legislation. But it's not enough.
Jun 25, 2010 / John Nichols