When Wall Street Trades Move Too Fast To Avoid Crashing the Economy, Regulators Should Slow Things Down When Wall Street Trades Move Too Fast To Avoid Crashing the Economy, Regulators Should Slow Things Down
Thursday's almost 1,000-point collapse in the Dow may have resulted from a mistake. But the mistake was almost certainly made possible—and dramatically more threatening&mdash...
May 8, 2010 / John Nichols
Financial Oligarchy Prevails As 27 Senate Dems Join GOP To Defend ‘Too Big to Fail’ Banks Financial Oligarchy Prevails As 27 Senate Dems Join GOP To Defend ‘Too Big to Fail’ Banks
A necessary amendment is blocked, assuring that behemoth banks will continue to pose a threat to the real economy.
May 7, 2010 / John Nichols
Obey: Tired of “Begging Blue Dogs To Do What They Ought To Do By Rote” Obey: Tired of “Begging Blue Dogs To Do What They Ought To Do By Rote”
The powerful appropriations committee chair announces he will retire and expresses frustration not just with Republicans but with cautious Democrats.
May 6, 2010 / John Nichols
An Inconvenient Truth: Enlightened Founders Favored Pluralism Not a Law Setting a National Day of Prayer An Inconvenient Truth: Enlightened Founders Favored Pluralism Not a Law Setting a National Day of Prayer
A courageous judge respects the Constitution and the original intentions of the founders when she rejects a "National Day of Prayer" that was legislated in 1952 -- not 17...
May 6, 2010 / John Nichols
The Wrath of the Neocon The Wrath of the Neocon
Why does Congressional candidate Rand Paul offend Dick Cheney so?
May 6, 2010 / John Nichols
Don’t-Drill-Baby-Don’t-Drill: Schwarzenegger Abandons Offshore Plan; So Should Obama Don’t-Drill-Baby-Don’t-Drill: Schwarzenegger Abandons Offshore Plan; So Should Obama
Confronted with evidence that he was wrong about the safety of offshore drilling—in the form of photos of the nightmarish Gulf of Mexico spill—California's governor wit...
May 4, 2010 / John Nichols
President Obama Is Wrong About the Fed President Obama Is Wrong About the Fed
Congress needs to amend the financial reform bill to demand an audit and accountability.
May 3, 2010 / John Nichols
Charlie Crist’s Declaration of Independence — and Sanity Charlie Crist’s Declaration of Independence — and Sanity
The Republicans are becoming a closed camp where there is no room for the moderates or Ronald Reagan's big tent.
Apr 29, 2010 / John Nichols
An Arizona Congressman’s Courageous Dissent An Arizona Congressman’s Courageous Dissent
Raul Grijalva leads the fight against his state's new anti-immigrant law.
Apr 28, 2010 / John Nichols
Bank Reform: Setback in the Senate, Action in the Streets Bank Reform: Setback in the Senate, Action in the Streets
Senate Republican block debate on reform. But the AFL-CIO and National People’s Action have a different idea -- and they are taking it to Wall Street.
Apr 27, 2010 / John Nichols