Wright, Jefferson and the Wrath of God Wright, Jefferson and the Wrath of God
"Just maybe now as that dialogue begins the religious tradition that has kept hope alive for a people struggling to survive in countless hopeless situations will be understood." ...
Apr 29, 2008 / John Nichols
Family Farmers Respond to the Food Crisis Family Farmers Respond to the Food Crisis
Looking for a responsible, moral and effective response to the global food crisis? Start by sending money to a group that is working to get food to starving people. I'm especiall...
Apr 28, 2008 / John Nichols
Playing the Race Card in North Carolina Playing the Race Card in North Carolina
The North Carolina Republican Party -- forged by the hand of Dixiecrat segregationists like Jesse ("White people, wake up before it is too late. Do you want Negroes working beside...
Apr 27, 2008 / John Nichols
McCain, Hagee and the Politics of God’s Wrath McCain, Hagee and the Politics of God’s Wrath
The whole controversy about John McCain's ties to radical preacher John Hagee has been miscast, both by McCain's critics and supporters – not to mention by our ministerially-obs...
Apr 24, 2008 / John Nichols
The World Food Crisis The World Food Crisis
We must rein in the global food giants who reap profits at the expense of the planet and the poor.
Apr 24, 2008 / John Nichols
Clinton Raises $10 Million in 24 Hours Clinton Raises $10 Million in 24 Hours
If Hillary Clinton had lost Pennsylvania Tuesday night, she would have been out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination -- not merely because she had suffered a hum...
Apr 24, 2008 / John Nichols
Chaos? Not In Pennsylvania Chaos? Not In Pennsylvania
There was a ridiculous amount of hype about right-wing talk-radio personality Rush Limbaugh's campaign to get conservative voters to switch their party registration and vote in th...
Apr 23, 2008 / John Nichols
Obama and Mellencamp, But Where’s Edwards? Obama and Mellencamp, But Where’s Edwards?
Barack Obama will leave Pennsylvania tomorrow in search of some small-town cred. And he should not have to search for it alone. The senator from Illinois could really use an end...
Apr 22, 2008 / John Nichols
Obama Sweeps Newspaper Endorsements Obama Sweeps Newspaper Endorsements
Even in this era of "new media," the oldest media matters -- in fact, it may matter more than ever. In Pennsylvania, a state where most of the political machinery statewide and i...
Apr 21, 2008 / John Nichols
Edwards Wins Colbert ‘Debate’ Edwards Wins Colbert ‘Debate’
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both appeared Thursday night on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report." Clinton mocked her "3 a.m." ad. After fixing a malfunctioning projection s...
Apr 18, 2008 / John Nichols