Democrats Debate Republican Talking Points Democrats Debate Republican Talking Points
And the winner of the 21st debate of the Democratic presidential race is... Right-Wing Talking Points. At a moment when even John McCain agrees that the American economy is in a...
Apr 17, 2008 / John Nichols
Trade’s Not Just a Blue-Collar Issue Trade’s Not Just a Blue-Collar Issue
New York Times columnist David Brooks, who knows a little less about economics than John McCain, finished up this week's rant against critics of free trade by suggesting that they...
Apr 16, 2008 / John Nichols
The Pope and the President The Pope and the President
George Bush is certainly not the first American president to try and take advantage of a timely papal meeting to advance himself and his agenda. Pope Benedict XVI, who arrives to...
Apr 15, 2008 / John Nichols
Obama ‘Gets It’ on Trade Obama ‘Gets It’ on Trade
Maybe being accused of being an "elitist" is a good thing. After taking hits from Democratic primary foe Hillary Clinton and presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCa...
Apr 14, 2008 / John Nichols
Cheney, Torture and the Chance to Restore the Rule of Law Cheney, Torture and the Chance to Restore the Rule of Law
The Constitution of the United States is absolutely clear when it comes to matters of torture. Amendment 8 specifically states that,"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor exc...
Apr 12, 2008 / John Nichols
Even Republicans Favor Stalling Colombia Deal Even Republicans Favor Stalling Colombia Deal
The Bush administration's propaganda arm -- which operates under the misnomer: White House Communications office -- is pushing the fantasy that Thursday's House vote to delay acti...
Apr 11, 2008 / John Nichols
Phil Donahue’s War Phil Donahue’s War
His new documentary is breaking the taboo that says Americans cannot stomach the reality of the Iraq War.
Apr 9, 2008 / Books & the Arts / John Nichols
Colombia Trade Fight is a Human Rights Test Colombia Trade Fight is a Human Rights Test
The Colombia Free Trade Agreement is best summed up as a proposal to formalize U.S. support for the assassination of labor union organizers by death squads, impoverishment of work...
Apr 9, 2008 / John Nichols
Petraeus, Crocker, McCain, Clinton, Obama and… Petraeus, Crocker, McCain, Clinton, Obama and…
Sure, Arizona Senator John McCain's campaign may still be selling him as some kind of "maverick" or "independent thinker" -- and most of the media may still be buying that ridicul...
Apr 8, 2008 / John Nichols
Feingold Condemns China — and the U.S. — on Tibet Feingold Condemns China — and the U.S. — on Tibet
"With its suppression of the Tibetan protests, China continues to compound its abysmal record on human rights." So says Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold, speaking with a firmness ...
Apr 6, 2008 / John Nichols