John Nichols

National Affairs Correspondent


John Nichols is a national affairs correspondent for The Nation. He has written, cowritten, or edited over a dozen books on topics ranging from histories of American socialism and the Democratic Party to analyses of US and global media systems. His latest, cowritten with Senator Bernie Sanders, is the New York Times bestseller It's OK to Be Angry About Capitalism.

A woman holds a cardboard sign that says

We Need a 92 Percent Tax on Pandemic Profiteers We Need a 92 Percent Tax on Pandemic Profiteers

Let’s tax billionaires—and übermillionaires—back to where they stood when Covid-19 hit.

Feb 4, 2022 / John Nichols

100 Groups Demand That Biden Stop Escalating Tensions Over Ukraine

100 Groups Demand That Biden Stop Escalating Tensions Over Ukraine 100 Groups Demand That Biden Stop Escalating Tensions Over Ukraine

As the president deploys 3,000 US troops to Eastern Europe, anti-war groups and progressive leaders warn that the United States must avoid getting entangled in another war.

Feb 3, 2022 / John Nichols

Trump Steals a Strategy From Mussolini’s Playbook

Trump Steals a Strategy From Mussolini’s Playbook Trump Steals a Strategy From Mussolini’s Playbook

The former president’s promise to pardon January 6 insurrectionists recalls the fascist’s strongman tactics.

Feb 1, 2022 / John Nichols

Ron Johnson’s Reelection Strategy Is to Amplify Covid Conspiracy Theories

Ron Johnson’s Reelection Strategy Is to Amplify Covid Conspiracy Theories Ron Johnson’s Reelection Strategy Is to Amplify Covid Conspiracy Theories

The Wisconsinite is using the Senate as a platform to amplify discredited doctors who are more worried about vaccines than Covid.

Jan 28, 2022 / John Nichols

“There Is No Military Solution Out of This Ukraine Crisis”

“There Is No Military Solution Out of This Ukraine Crisis” “There Is No Military Solution Out of This Ukraine Crisis”

Representatives Pramila Jayapal and Barbara Lee warn against posturing that might make it more difficult to find “a diplomatic way out of this crisis.”

Jan 27, 2022 / John Nichols

The Making of a Coronavirus-Criminal Presidency

The Making of a Coronavirus-Criminal Presidency The Making of a Coronavirus-Criminal Presidency

If you want to know how the US ended up in a pandemic with a swindler president who could not be bothered to take basic steps to save lives, don’t start with Trump.

Jan 24, 2022 / Feature / John Nichols

We Wouldn’t Be in This Mess if D.C. Were a State

We Wouldn’t Be in This Mess if D.C. Were a State We Wouldn’t Be in This Mess if D.C. Were a State

The problem in the Senate runs deeper than Sinema and Manchin. It’s an unrepresentative chamber that must be made more representative. 

Jan 21, 2022 / John Nichols

Rand Paul Abandons His Hippocratic Oath to Play Politics During a Pandemic

Rand Paul Abandons His Hippocratic Oath to Play Politics During a Pandemic Rand Paul Abandons His Hippocratic Oath to Play Politics During a Pandemic

The senator from Kentucky’s “Fire Fauci” crusade is a crude scheme to exploit fears and raise campaign cash, and Dr. Anthony Fauci called him out on it.

Jan 19, 2022 / John Nichols

Martin Luther King Jr. and the Unfinished Work of Abolishing Poverty

Martin Luther King Jr. and the Unfinished Work of Abolishing Poverty Martin Luther King Jr. and the Unfinished Work of Abolishing Poverty

Democrats failed to embrace his Freedom Budget for All Americans in the 1960s. That failure needs to be addressed today with a bold program to abolish poverty and injustice.

Jan 17, 2022 / John Nichols

Rebecca Solnit Is Not Giving Up Hope

Rebecca Solnit Is Not Giving Up Hope Rebecca Solnit Is Not Giving Up Hope

An interview with the essayist about the need for bread and roses—especially in perilous times.

Jan 14, 2022 / Q&A / John Nichols
