Lamont’s Winning Message for Democrats Lamont’s Winning Message for Democrats
For whom does the bellwether toll? It tolls for thee, Joe Lieberman – and, more importantly, for the neoconservative vision that you embraced more passionately than other Democr...
Aug 9, 2006 / John Nichols
Lieberman, Lamont and the Future of the Democrats Lieberman, Lamont and the Future of the Democrats
The last time that Democratic primary voters turned out a nationally-known U.S. Senator because they did not like where he stood on an issue of war and peace was in 1970, when Tex...
Aug 8, 2006 / John Nichols
Desperate Measures Desperate Measures
Joe Lieberman, down in the polls and desperate as Tuesday's Connecticut Senate primary approaches, tried on Sunday to remake himself as something he has not been for a very long t...
Aug 7, 2006 / John Nichols
DeLay, Coulter, Kristol Defend Lieberman DeLay, Coulter, Kristol Defend Lieberman
The polls show Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman is falling far behind anti-war challenger Ned Lamont as the state's August 8 Democratic primary approaches. But it's not all bad ...
Aug 4, 2006 / John Nichols
Chuck Hagel: Opposition Senator Chuck Hagel: Opposition Senator
Who is the most outspoken and through-provoking Senate critic of the Bush administration's misguided foreign policies? Hint: The boldest opposition voice is not that of a Democra...
Aug 2, 2006 / John Nichols
Dems on Iraq: Still Vague, Out of Touch Dems on Iraq: Still Vague, Out of Touch
From the Baby Steps Department where Democratic leaders plot policy comes a letter to President Bush signed by the opposition party's Congressional leadership, as well as a number...
Aug 1, 2006 / John Nichols
The GOP’s Sleaziest Attack Campaign The GOP’s Sleaziest Attack Campaign
How low will Republicans go to try and hang onto control of Ohio, the swing state where their machinations secured the presidency for George W. Bush in 2004? Lower than reasonabl...
Jul 28, 2006 / John Nichols
A Fight for the Party’s Soul A Fight for the Party’s Soul
The Lamont/Lieberman Democratic primary race is a referendum not only on the Iraq War but on a new vision for the Democratic Party.
Jul 27, 2006 / Feature / John Nichols
Bill Moyers for President? Absolutely! Bill Moyers for President? Absolutely!
Molly Ivins is trying to get Democrats excited about the prospect of running Bill Moyers for president. "Dear desperate Democrats," the nation's most widely-read liberal newspape...
Jul 25, 2006 / John Nichols
Condoleezza “False Promise” Rice Condoleezza “False Promise” Rice
As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice goes through the charade of meeting with international leaders to discuss the crisis in the Middle East – while showing her true sentiment...
Jul 22, 2006 / John Nichols