Election Matters Election Matters
Ralph Nader has finally figured out how to unite Democrats and Greens.
Dec 24, 2003 / John Nichols
Remembering Joe Strummer Remembering Joe Strummer
It will long be the fate of fans of Joe Strummer's brilliant music -- and his equally brilliant politics -- to experience a touch of melancholy as the Christmastide swells. The h...
Dec 22, 2003 / John Nichols
Kucinich Makes Media an Issue Kucinich Makes Media an Issue
When Ted Koppel steered one of the most critical debates of the Democratic presidential contest toward horserace questions about endorsements, poll positions and fund raising, the...
Dec 14, 2003 / John Nichols
Gore’s a Dean Man Now Gore’s a Dean Man Now
Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean for President for the same reason that so many other Democrats have: He wanted to be where the action is in his party.
Dec 10, 2003 / John Nichols
San Francisco Showdown San Francisco Showdown
San Francisco is a dot.com city, so it should come as no surprise that the two candidates in Tuesday's runoff for mayor of America's left-coast city are pretty much summed up by t...
Dec 8, 2003 / John Nichols
McCarthy’s (and Ashcroft’s) Nemesis McCarthy’s (and Ashcroft’s) Nemesis
In the summer of 1951, Senator Joe McCarthy's burgeoning red scare had intimidated not just official Washington but the nation's media. Free speech was taking a hit everywhere, bu...
Dec 5, 2003 / John Nichols
Electoral Raid on Baghdad Electoral Raid on Baghdad
George W. Bush's Thanksgving Day campaign stop in Baghdad said everything that needed to be said about the success of the US occupation of Iraq. The president, who likes to refer ...
Nov 30, 2003 / John Nichols
Why Jesse Jr. Backs Dean Why Jesse Jr. Backs Dean
No single endorsement, save that of next July's party convention, will decide the winner of what remains a remarkably unsettled race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Nov 20, 2003 / John Nichols
Tell Us The Truth! Tell Us The Truth!
"The truth is the truth. Not just the government's truth or the church's truth or the truth that won't upset the advertisers and stockholders but THE TRUTH and the TRUTH is that w...
Nov 16, 2003 / John Nichols
The Activist Primary The Activist Primary
A day before the International Committee of the Red Cross announced it would reduce its presence in Iraq because the country was becoming increasingly dangerous, President Bush...
Nov 6, 2003 / John Nichols