Pick Up the Stone: The American Way of Vengeance Pick Up the Stone: The American Way of Vengeance
The line from defeat in Afghanistan to deputizing bounty hunters in Texas can be traced in blood—and history.
Sep 22, 2021 / John Scagliotti and JoAnn Wypijewski

Sniffing Our Way Back Sniffing Our Way Back
Everyone is cautious; the trails are empty; drag queens are forced to perform outdoors. But eventually we will get close again—and bring history another step forward.
Dec 30, 2020 / John Scagliotti

In Praise of Identity Politics and the Long History of Desire In Praise of Identity Politics and the Long History of Desire
Fifty years after Stonewall, the much maligned politics of identity remains our best means to exert power collectively—and a starting point to freedom.
Jun 21, 2019 / John Scagliotti
Straight, Not Narrow Straight, Not Narrow
In the early 1980s, soon after the right-wing grassroots movement gave us a Reagan presidency, I announced that I would be boycotting my straight friends' weddings.
May 13, 2004 / John Scagliotti