Jonathan Lange

Jonathan Lange, a senior organizer with Metro IAF, has been organizing for 35 years. He was the lead organizer on the first living wage campaign passed in 1994 in Baltimore Maryland. Prior to organizing with the Industrial Areas Foundation, he was the Assistant Southern Director for the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union. He is a graduate of Carleton College where he was a student of Paul Wellstone.  He currently works in Wisconsin, Maryland and Berlin Germany supervising IAF projects.

Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either

Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either

Twenty years after the first living-wage law was passed in Baltimore, the campaign’s lead organizer warns that the model has been watered down.

Nov 25, 2014 / Jonathan Lange
