Megyn Kelly Isn’t a Crusading Journalist. She’s a Bullhorn for Bigots. Megyn Kelly Isn’t a Crusading Journalist. She’s a Bullhorn for Bigots.
Megyn Kelly’s interview with Alex Jones is unconscionable—and true to form.
Jun 16, 2017 / Katherine Stewart

Eighty-One Percent of White Evangelicals Voted for Donald Trump. Why? Eighty-One Percent of White Evangelicals Voted for Donald Trump. Why?
The role abortion played in this election might be bigger than many think.
Nov 17, 2016 / Katherine Stewart

Donald Trump Has Unleashed a New Wave of Bullying in Schools Donald Trump Has Unleashed a New Wave of Bullying in Schools
Kids might not get the details of immigration policy, but they absolutely understand Trump’s message of rage and hate.
Nov 7, 2016 / StudentNation / Katherine Stewart

Inequality Has Gotten So Bad That We’re Offshoring Our Grandparents Inequality Has Gotten So Bad That We’re Offshoring Our Grandparents
Americans can’t afford to retire in the United States, so many are moving south of the border, trading one form of inequity for another.
Aug 19, 2016 / Katherine Stewart

As the Religious Right Forces the Gospel Into Public Schools, Some Parents Are Opting to Homeschool As the Religious Right Forces the Gospel Into Public Schools, Some Parents Are Opting to Homeschool
After their kids experienced “religious bullying,” these parents felt they had no choice but to take their kids out of public school.
May 3, 2016 / Katherine Stewart

Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet Why Mississippi’s New Anti-LGBT Law Is the Most Dangerous One To Be Passed Yet
The law doesn’t protect religious belief. It protects bigots who discriminate against LGBT people—and zealots who place their religion above the law.
Apr 8, 2016 / Katherine Stewart

At Catholic Hospitals, a ‘Right to Life’ but Not a Right to Death At Catholic Hospitals, a ‘Right to Life’ but Not a Right to Death
Five states permit doctors to help terminally ill patients end their lives, but Catholic hospitals still refuse to let their patients “die with dignity.”
Oct 8, 2015 / Katherine Stewart

The Movement to Put a Church in Every School Is Growing The Movement to Put a Church in Every School Is Growing
How evangelicals are taking advantage of publicly funded spaces.
Jan 14, 2015 / Feature / Katherine Stewart