Katrina vanden Heuvel

Editorial Director and Publisher


Katrina vanden Heuvel is editorial director and publisher of The Nation, America’s leading source of progressive politics and culture. She served as editor of the magazine from 1995 to 2019.

This Labor Day, No Holiday for Unions

This Labor Day, No Holiday for Unions This Labor Day, No Holiday for Unions

Unions are in trouble. But if only we'd listened to them more often in the past, America wouldn't be in the predicament it's in now.

Sep 1, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Schneiderman for Attorney General Schneiderman for Attorney General

New York State Senator Eric Schneiderman's commitment to transformational politics and progressive values make him the right choice for state attorney general.

Aug 31, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

New York Communities Take on Foreclosures New York Communities Take on Foreclosures

A coalition of working families, politicians and unions are demanding that Big Banks increase permanent mortgage modifications to stop New York's full-blown foreclosure crisis.

Aug 30, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

This Week at TheNation.com: Reflecting on New Orleans. Plus: A New Leader for The Nation Institute. This Week at TheNation.com: Reflecting on New Orleans. Plus: A New Leader for The Nation Institute.

Five years after the tragedy in the Gulf, The Nation continues to follow the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Aug 27, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

This Week at TheNation.com: A Weekend Movie Primer; Plus: How to Help in Pakistan. This Week at TheNation.com: A Weekend Movie Primer; Plus: How to Help in Pakistan.

"The Tillman Story" opens this weekend, and as Greg Mitchell writes in his Media Fix blog, the reviews are in. Mitchell has written extensively about the Tillman case and the film; he previewed the movie and ran the trailer in this post at the height of the McChrystal controversy. If you head out to the theater this weekend to see the film, give his commentary a read first. (And while you're prepping for a weekend at the movies, you can read Stuart Klawans latest here. Klawans reviews Christopher Nolan's Inception; Todd Solondz's Life During Wartime; Samuel Maoz's Lebanon.) Also this week... A Nod from Dennis Kucinich on "Extra-Judicial" Killings It is important to see that someone in Washington is treating "extrajudicial assassinations" seriously. Rep. Kucinich, with six co-sponsors, has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives that would prohibit "the extrajudicial killing of United States Citizens" and end this horrific breach of civil liberties. We were honored to see that Kucinich cites Jeremy Scahill's reporting from November (The Secret U.S. War in Pakistan) as part of the rationale for the legislation. Scahill's reporting is linked from H.R. 6010, which you can read here. Video: The Public Housing Crisis Nation contributor Kai Wright was on this week's The Nation on GRIT TV, discussing the recent desperation over public housing vouchers in Atlanta - and the housing crisis around the country. Wright was joined by housing organizer Tony Romano. There are few needs more basic than shelter; in his reporting for The Nation and Colorlines, Wright has written at length about the struggles of black families trying to hold own to their homes, or even their rentals. This segment is an outstanding primer to the crisis in public housing our country faces today. Watch here. Video: Is This The Era of "Bad Sports?" Our Sports writer Dave Zirin was on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday exposing some real socialism in our midst: America is socializing the debt of sports, while privatizing the profits. “If public money goes into a team, I think the public should, at the very least, afford tickets, but at the very most have a piece of the team as well," he says. Check out the whole segment here. Act Now: How to Help in Pakistan The crisis in Pakistan hasn't received the attention of other recent disasters, but the situation is more than just a humanitarian crisis - it imperils whatever fragile stability is holding this volatile region together. In this Act Now post, Peter Rothberg runs through the ways you can help Pakistan, where 20% of the country is under water, and twenty million people are homeless. Find out more here. - - - - - - Thanks for reading. As always you can keep up by following The Nation on Facebook here, or follow me on Twitter—I'm@KatrinaNation.  

Aug 20, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

AFL Takes On Foreclosures and Payday Lending AFL Takes On Foreclosures and Payday Lending

An interview with AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Arlene Holt Baker on Big Banks and a new approach to prevent home foreclosure.

Aug 19, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

It’s About Main Street, Not the Mosque It’s About Main Street, Not the Mosque

The party with solutions to the country's economic woes will be the winners come November.

Aug 17, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The ‘Principled Left’ Obama Needs The ‘Principled Left’ Obama Needs

The Left has learned the hard way that it needs to be independent of Obama to realize the change it's seeking.

Aug 15, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

This Week At TheNation.com: How Progressives Won the Health Care Battle. Plus: Two New Videos This Week At TheNation.com: How Progressives Won the Health Care Battle. Plus: Two New Videos

Richard Kirsch on how progressives won the health care battle—and how we can advance those lessons into other campaigns for social justice.  Plus, Greg Mitchell on NPR's...

Aug 13, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Happy 75th Birthday, Social Security

Happy 75th Birthday, Social Security Happy 75th Birthday, Social Security

On the 75th anniversary of Social Security, those who would axe benefits are spreading myths designed to make you think there's a looming crisis.  It's simply just not true.

Aug 13, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
