Katrina vanden Heuvel

Editorial Director and Publisher


Katrina vanden Heuvel is editorial director and publisher of The Nation, America’s leading source of progressive politics and culture. She served as editor of the magazine from 1995 to 2019.

Down at the Mall Down at the Mall

Looking for serious sweatshop alternatives? Check out NoSweatShop.com, the new virtual union mall. Claiming to be "the first and only mall in the world where you can't find on...

Dec 10, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Building A Progressive Majority Building A Progressive Majority

It's no secret that progressives need to build a stronger political infrastructure if we're going to achieve an enduring majority for positive change in this country. After all, ...

Dec 7, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Doonesbury Demolishes Coulter Doonesbury Demolishes Coulter

Check out Garry Trudeau's Doonesbury as he demolishes Ann Coulter in his November 16 strip . "Ann's latest is called 'Treason,' in which she denounces all liberals as trait...

Dec 4, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

What Recovery? What Recovery?

Third-quarter GDP grew by 8.2 percent, October unemployment dropped to 6 percent, manufacturing orders are soaring, the stock market is up--as are profits, the value of stock opt...

Dec 4, 2003 / Editorial / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Bush as Financial Underdog? Bush as Financial Underdog?

I blamed it on my bleary eyes. After all, it was Friday 8:00am at the tail end of another long week. Was the New York Times's story actually reporting that, "Mr Bush's campaign s...

Dec 4, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Tony Kushner in America Tony Kushner in America

America is better for Tony Kushner. A self-described "God-believing Jew and a historical materialist socialist humanist agnostic," Kushner--a member of The Nation's editorial boa...

Dec 2, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

What Economic Recovery? What Economic Recovery?

Isn't it interesting that a few small percentage points here and there--third-quarter GDP showed an annual growth rate of 8.2 percent and monthly unemployment dropped from 6.1 pe...

Nov 26, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

GOP Scare Tactics GOP Scare Tactics

Want to see some thuggish Republican fear-mongering? Check out the GOP's first ad for the 2004 election, which starts running Sunday in Iowa. It accuses Democratic presidential c...

Nov 25, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Alabama on My Mind Alabama on My Mind

The weblog below was originally posted on November 2. We received some powerful responses, which convinced us to re-post the article, a look at why people frequently vote against...

Nov 22, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Reader’s Mailbag Reader’s Mailbag

I read with interest Katrina vanden Heuvel's weblog in which she laments the recent decision by Alabama voters to vote down a referendum that would shift taxes from the "folks" t...

Nov 22, 2003 / Blog / Katrina vanden Heuvel
