The Trouble With Typos The Trouble With Typos
Trump’s trouble with the written word is irresistible to mock, but the jokes may be weak consolation.
May 9, 2018 / Leslie Savan

Jokes on Trump, Joke’s on Us Jokes on Trump, Joke’s on Us
Aside from relieving liberal stress, what can anti-Trump satire accomplish?
Apr 5, 2018 / Leslie Savan

What’s Going to Save Journalism? What’s Going to Save Journalism?
Killing net neutrality, which the Republican-controlled FCC voted to do yesterday, is only the most recent gut punch to a free press.
Dec 15, 2017 / Leslie Savan

The Lives and Deaths of ‘The Village Voice’ The Lives and Deaths of ‘The Village Voice’
After 62 years, the alt-weekly has stopped its print run. But some still see life in it yet.
Sep 29, 2017 / Leslie Savan

Keep the Blame Where It Belongs Keep the Blame Where It Belongs
In the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville, too many media outlets used headlines that implied that both sides were at fault.
Aug 18, 2017 / Leslie Savan

Russia v. Health Care (and Everything Else) Russia v. Health Care (and Everything Else)
Vying for the media’s attention.
Jul 28, 2017 / Leslie Savan

Getting the Last Word Getting the Last Word
MSNBC has renewed Lawrence O’Donnell’s contract, and, for now, the network’s increasingly conservative tilt is on hold.
Jun 3, 2017 / Leslie Savan

A Hundred Days of Trump Denial A Hundred Days of Trump Denial
Leading up to the marker of his first 100 days, I began to internalize small shifts in how the news media regards President Trump.
May 6, 2017 / Leslie Savan

The New Trump Trope The New Trump Trope
In media coverage after the Syrian air strike, the conventional wisdom shifted to believing that the president’s relations with Russia stink.
Apr 18, 2017 / Leslie Savan

A Memorial for Nat Hentoff A Memorial for Nat Hentoff
The journalist’s spirit of freewheeling dispute was very much in evidence.
Mar 3, 2017 / Leslie Savan