The FCC’s Net Neutrality Proposal Explained The FCC’s Net Neutrality Proposal Explained
What the proposal means and how you can make your opinion heard.
May 21, 2014 / Leticia Miranda

Dialing with Dollars: How County Jails Profit From Immigrant Detainees Dialing with Dollars: How County Jails Profit From Immigrant Detainees
County jails charge excessive rates for phone usage—a huge barrier for immigrant detainees fighting deportation.
May 15, 2014 / Leticia Miranda

Court Strikes Down Net Neutrality Order Court Strikes Down Net Neutrality Order
The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled that the Federal Communications Commission lacks the authority to enforce net neutrality rules.
Jan 14, 2014 / Leticia Miranda

Will the FCC’s New Chairman Usher in a New Era for the Commission? Will the FCC’s New Chairman Usher in a New Era for the Commission?
The Federal Communications Commission’s new chairman Tom Wheeler announces efforts to “do things differently.”
Jan 10, 2014 / Leticia Miranda

Verizon, the FCC and What You Need to Know About Net Neutrality Verizon, the FCC and What You Need to Know About Net Neutrality
Why is Verizon suing the FCC over net neutrality regulations?
Dec 6, 2013 / Leticia Miranda

Hacking for Immigrant Rights Hacking for Immigrant Rights
How programmers, journalists and immigrant rights advocates are redefining hacking—for immigrant justice.
Sep 9, 2013 / Leticia Miranda

Why Aren’t Civil Rights Groups Standing Up to the Telecom Giants? Why Aren’t Civil Rights Groups Standing Up to the Telecom Giants?
Public interest organizations say deregulating phone service providers will hurt communities of color, but major civil rights groups are still in favor.
Aug 12, 2013 / Leticia Miranda

AT&T’s Deregulation Campaign AT&T’s Deregulation Campaign
As the company moves to Internet-based telephone service, it’s looking to shed regulatory obligations that benefit low-income Americans.
Jun 10, 2013 / Leticia Miranda