The Fiction of Meaningful Work The Fiction of Meaningful Work
Kikuko Tsumura’s new novel examines what unites jobs good or bad: the stories we tell ourselves to cope with how much toil sucks in the first place.
Aug 3, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Marie Solis

The Brutal Transcendence of Tove Ditlevsen The Brutal Transcendence of Tove Ditlevsen
By resisting all of memoir’s conventions, the Danish writer tells the story of her life more painfully and beautifully.
May 6, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Marie Solis

One Weird Trick for Destroying the Digital Economy One Weird Trick for Destroying the Digital Economy
Tim Hwang thinks we should burst the bubble of the ad-supported internet before it’s too late.
Oct 13, 2020 / Q&A / Marie Solis

The Biography That Reimagined a Life—and the Genre The Biography That Reimagined a Life—and the Genre
Diane Johnson’s The True History of the First Mrs. Meredith and Other Lesser Lives uses speculation and fabulation to correct the biases of history.
Jul 30, 2020 / Marie Solis

Heterosexual and Miserable Heterosexual and Miserable
Lisa Taddeo’s Three Women, a sprawling sexual biography of a trio of women, is the latest flawed attempt to chronicle the country’s changing mores.
Aug 15, 2019 / Marie Solis

Eve Babitz’s Visions of Total Freedom Eve Babitz’s Visions of Total Freedom
A new biography of the legendary Los Angeles socialite tries to crack the code of her writing’s allure.
Feb 8, 2019 / Marie Solis