The California Drought Is Just the Beginning of Our National Water Emergency The California Drought Is Just the Beginning of Our National Water Emergency
For years, Americans dismissed dire water shortages as a problem of the Global South. Now the crisis is coming home.
Jul 15, 2015 / Feature / Maude Barlow
Water Warriors Water Warriors
Not everyone considers access to water to be a human right. A global water justice movement is changing that notion.
Mar 27, 2008 / Feature / Maude Barlow
Fight-Back in Bolivia Fight-Back in Bolivia
In 1998 the World Bank notified the Bolivian government that it would refuse to guarantee a $25 million loan to refinance water services in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba unless ...
Aug 15, 2002 / Feature / Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
Water Apartheid Water Apartheid
In South Africa, the only country in the world where people's right to water is actually written into the Constitution, the townships surrounding cities like Johannesburg and Durb...
Aug 15, 2002 / Feature / Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
Who Owns Water? Who Owns Water?
Privatization must be stopped, and water declared the common property of all.
Aug 15, 2002 / Feature / Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke
The Fight for the Americas The Fight for the Americas
In Canada, Maude Barlow gave a stirring speech criticizing the free-trade agenda of the Summit of the Americas.
May 8, 2001 / Maude Barlow