Michael Corcoran

Michael Corcoran is a journalist based in Vermont and a former Nation intern. His work has appeared in the Boston Globe, the Globe's Thinking Politics weblog, Common Dreams and Campus Progress.

Why Vermont’s Marriage Equality Matters Why Vermont’s Marriage Equality Matters

The legalization of same-sex marriage in Vermont could be a signal of where the freedom-to-marry movement is heading.

Apr 8, 2009 / Michael Corcoran

Critiquing the Post Critiquing the Post

If the Washington Post is a key player in American politics, why does its editorial page consistently miss the point?

May 23, 2007 / Feature / Michael Corcoran

The Daffodil Delusion: Sensationalizing Global Warming The Daffodil Delusion: Sensationalizing Global Warming

Media frenzy to the contrary, a warm winter doesn't point to the end of the world--scientific evidence does.

Feb 16, 2007 / Michael Corcoran
