Michael Moore for President Michael Moore for President
If nominated, I will run. If elected, I will serve.
Mar 23, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Michael Moore
Occupy Wall Street debe ocupar Wall Street Occupy Wall Street debe ocupar Wall Street
Occupy tiene que continuar su marcha como un movimiento decidido y frontal que ocupe bancos, casas matrices, juntas de directorio, campus universitarios y la mismÃsima Wall Street.
Mar 15, 2012 / Michael Moore

The Purpose of Occupy Wall Street Is to Occupy Wall Street The Purpose of Occupy Wall Street Is to Occupy Wall Street
The head of the beast can only be cut off at one place—and that’s downtown Manhattan.
Mar 14, 2012 / Feature / Michael Moore
Hello, God: About the Hurricane Hello, God: About the Hurricane
OK, God, we know James Dobson asked his followers to pray for rain on Obama in Denver last week. But this storm in New Orleans isn't what anybody had in mind.
Sep 1, 2008 / Michael Moore
Aaron McGruder’s Right to Be Hostile Aaron McGruder’s Right to Be Hostile
Filmmaker and author Michael Moore wrote the foreword to A Right to Be Hostile: The Boondocks Treasury by Aaron McGruder, from which the three cartoon strips are drawn. Copyright &...
Oct 30, 2003 / Feature / Michael Moore
George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane
This letter was originally published on January 29, 2002 at www.michaelmoore.com
Feb 12, 2002 / Michael Moore