Michael Norby

Michael Norby (@MichaelRNorby) is a freelance reporter. With journalist Brian Fitzpatrick, he has worked extensively on human rights issues across Colombia. Their previous joint work has included an investigation into paramilitary networks in Haiti, and has appeared in The Guardian, The Irish Times and New Internationalist Magazine

Elections and Peace Talks Won’t Stem Colombia’s Violence

Elections and Peace Talks Won’t Stem Colombia’s Violence Elections and Peace Talks Won’t Stem Colombia’s Violence

The presidential run-off this weekend and talks with the FARC are obscuring horrific violence in places like Buenaventura—and US multinationals are deeply implicated.

Jun 13, 2014 / Michael Norby and Brian Fitzpatrick

The Horrific Costs of the US-Colombia Trade Agreement

The Horrific Costs of the US-Colombia Trade Agreement The Horrific Costs of the US-Colombia Trade Agreement

Peace talks with the FARC rebels are slowly progressing. But the agreement threatens to exacerbate already obscene levels of violence in rural areas.

May 31, 2013 / Michael Norby and Brian Fitzpatrick
