Nan D. Hunter

Nan D. Hunter teaches courses on law and social change at Georgetown University Law Center, where she is Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Law emerita.

What You Need to Know As Prop 8 Hits the Supreme Court

What You Need to Know As Prop 8 Hits the Supreme Court What You Need to Know As Prop 8 Hits the Supreme Court

Hollingsworth v. Perry is the first gay marriage case ever argued before the Court. What’s it going to take for advocates of equality to win?

Mar 25, 2013 / Nan D. Hunter

Will the Supreme Court Be Left Behind on Gay Marriage?

Will the Supreme Court Be Left Behind on Gay Marriage? Will the Supreme Court Be Left Behind on Gay Marriage?

Amicus briefs from business leaders and prominent Republicans make the conservative case for marriage equality nationwide. Will the Court listen?

Mar 4, 2013 / Nan D. Hunter

Is the Supreme Court Argument Over Gay Marriage Really All About Straight People?

Is the Supreme Court Argument Over Gay Marriage Really All About Straight People? Is the Supreme Court Argument Over Gay Marriage Really All About Straight People?

According to defenders of DOMA and Prop 8, the purpose of marriage is to entice wayward heterosexuals into committed family life.

Feb 7, 2013 / Nan D. Hunter
