Supreme Court to Hear Two Gay Marriage Cases Supreme Court to Hear Two Gay Marriage Cases
But will it decide that the petitioners have standing?
Dec 7, 2012 / Nancy Goldstein
Congress Is Still in the Dark About the Extent of Electronic Snooping Congress Is Still in the Dark About the Extent of Electronic Snooping
More than a million requests for cell phone records by law enforcement is just the beginning of the surveillance story.
Jul 20, 2012 / Nancy Goldstein
Proposition 8 Is Unconstitutional. What’s Next for the Anti-Gay Law? Proposition 8 Is Unconstitutional. What’s Next for the Anti-Gay Law?
Anti-gay marriage proponents should think twice before asking the US Supreme Court to take this case.
Feb 8, 2012 / Nancy Goldstein

Not Exactly a Profile in Courage: New York Finally Passes Gay Marriage Not Exactly a Profile in Courage: New York Finally Passes Gay Marriage
It took opportunistic politicians and ridiculous, shameful language on religious exemptions, but gay and lesbian New Yorkers can finally tie the knot.
Jun 24, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein
No Prayers for David Kato No Prayers for David Kato
The Family, the secretive organization of evangelicals tied to extremist anti-gay legislation in Uganda, is refusing to pressure Ugandan lawmakers to drop the bill.
Feb 4, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein
Koch Brothers v. the Left in Palm Springs Koch Brothers v. the Left in Palm Springs
For years one of the Koch brothers’ greatest achievements was the fact that no one knew who they were or what influence they had. The counter-demonstration next to their secr...
Jan 30, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein
Temporary Stay Granted on Targeted Ugandan Lesbian’s Deportation Temporary Stay Granted on Targeted Ugandan Lesbian’s Deportation
Gay Ugandan activist David Kato was beaten to death earlier this week. Now it’s Brenda Namigadde, a Ugandan lesbian whose immigration status in Britain is unresolved, with a ...
Jan 28, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein

Targeted Ugandan Gay Activist Murdered Targeted Ugandan Gay Activist Murdered
Ugandan activist David Kato was a leading voice against the country's notorious "Anti-Homosexuality Bill"—which was written with the help of three American evangeli...
Jan 27, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein
Frances Fox Piven Is Way Tougher Than Glenn Beck Frances Fox Piven Is Way Tougher Than Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck must have thought he had an easy mark when he targeted Frances Fox Piven. But Glenn Beck is wrong.
Jan 25, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein
The Big Picture on Healthcare Reform for LGBT People The Big Picture on Healthcare Reform for LGBT People
If healthcare reform regulations are enacted on behalf of all people, LGBT people will, at last, be counted in nationwide populations surveys, like the census; researched...
Jan 24, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein