Marcus Raskin: Farewell to a Prodigiously Beating Heart Marcus Raskin: Farewell to a Prodigiously Beating Heart
Above all, he gave us hope.
Dec 29, 2017 / Norman Birnbaum

What ‘The New York Times’ Missed in Its Piece about Norman Podhoretz What ‘The New York Times’ Missed in Its Piece about Norman Podhoretz
The profile failed to mention the larger historical context in which the former Commentary editor and his contemporaries operated.
Mar 27, 2017 / Norman Birnbaum

Remembering Hans-Dietrich Genscher Remembering Hans-Dietrich Genscher
Genscher was hardly a tribune of the people. Yet his fellow Germans—in both halves of the divided nation—trusted him to act for termination of the incessant threat of war.
Apr 12, 2016 / Norman Birnbaum

How Germany’s Surveillance Scandals Echo Our Own How Germany’s Surveillance Scandals Echo Our Own
We treat the Germans the same way we treat ourselves—like dogs.
Aug 14, 2015 / Norman Birnbaum

Auf Wiedersehen Günter Grass Auf Wiedersehen Günter Grass
Günter Grass not only taught us about German history, but also ourselves.
Apr 27, 2015 / Norman Birnbaum

We Don’t Need Heidegger’s Notebooks to Know That He Was a Despicable Anti-Semite We Don’t Need Heidegger’s Notebooks to Know That He Was a Despicable Anti-Semite
Their recent publication tells us nothing we didn’t already know, or could easily have inferred, from his biography.
Apr 1, 2014 / Norman Birnbaum

Remembering Tony Benn Remembering Tony Benn
Tony Benn died at age 88 last week—and was immediately and fulsomely praised by many well able to restrain their enthusiasm for him in his lifetime.
Mar 18, 2014 / Norman Birnbaum

Celebrating Willy Brandt’s 100th Birthday Celebrating Willy Brandt’s 100th Birthday
He risked his life in the underground against the Nazis, helped rebuild German social democracy after the war and laid the groundwork for reconciliation of East and West. Lebe wohl...
Dec 19, 2013 / Norman Birnbaum

Fateful Decision for Germany’s Social Democrats Fateful Decision for Germany’s Social Democrats
Can they survive another grand coalition with Angela Merkel’s CDU—and is it too late to rejuvenate the party that once subordinated capitalism to the public good?
Dec 10, 2013 / Norman Birnbaum

Remembering Doris Lessing Remembering Doris Lessing
Doris Lessing responded to the contradictions of our time by facing them with unmatched courage.
Nov 25, 2013 / Norman Birnbaum