The Surprising Strength of Brazil’s Democracy The Surprising Strength of Brazil’s Democracy
Seeming similarities between the attack on the presidential palace in Brasília and the US Capitol abound. But Brazilian democracy has proved more resilient.
Jan 17, 2023 / Omar G. Encarnación

Gleaning Hope From Latin America’s Abortion Rights Revolution Gleaning Hope From Latin America’s Abortion Rights Revolution
After centuries of living under some of the most draconian abortion laws imaginable, millions of women in Latin America now have access to legal abortion. How did they do it?
May 18, 2022 / Omar G. Encarnación

The Fight for LGBTQ Rights Must Include Reparations The Fight for LGBTQ Rights Must Include Reparations
If passed, a Senate resolution introduced in June would apologize to LGBTQ federal workers for historical acts of discrimination. Real reparations demand far more.
Jun 29, 2021 / Omar G. Encarnación

How Lula’s Legacy Hurts His Party’s Prospects How Lula’s Legacy Hurts His Party’s Prospects
The grand ambitions of the former Brazilian president planted the seeds for the Workers’ Party current woes.
Oct 3, 2018 / Omar G. Encarnación

The Rise and Fall of the Latin American Left The Rise and Fall of the Latin American Left
Conservatives now control Latin America’s leading economies, but the region’s leftists can still look to Uruguay for direction.
May 9, 2018 / Omar G. Encarnación

Amid Crisis in Brazil, the Evangelical Bloc Emerges as a Political Power Amid Crisis in Brazil, the Evangelical Bloc Emerges as a Political Power
In the world’s largest Catholic country, a rival Christian movement could select Brazil’s next president.
Aug 16, 2017 / Omar G. Encarnación