
Henry Mendez Chavajay Henry Mendez Chavajay

Juan Henry Mendez Chavajay is a Tz’utujil Maya painter and muralist  from San Pedro la Laguna, Guatemala. He is part of the Guatemala Arts Connection.

Aug 18, 2021

Laura Waller Laura Waller

Laura Waller graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Newcomb College of Tulane University and received her masters degree from Tulane. Her work is included in numerous collections nationwide…

Aug 18, 2021

Che Guevara Che Guevara

Aug 17, 2021

Ada Limón Ada Limón

Aug 17, 2021

Melody Schreiber Melody Schreiber

Melody Schreiber is a journalist and the editor of What We Didn’t Expect: Personal Stories About Premature Birth.

Aug 16, 2021

Samuel Fleischman Samuel Fleischman

Samuel Fleischman is a labor writer, researcher and member of the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee. His work has also appeared in Jacobin.

Aug 15, 2021

The Flynstitute The Flynstitute

Aug 12, 2021

Amira Mattar Amira Mattar

Amira Mattar is the Michael Ratner Justice Fellow at Palestine Legal, an organization that challenges efforts to censor and repress advocates who speak out for Palestinian rights.

Aug 9, 2021

Linda Mannheim Linda Mannheim

Linda Mannheim is the author of This Way to Departures…

Aug 9, 2021

Lee Hyun Choi Lee Hyun Choi

Lee Hyun Choi is a Korean activist based in Seoul and is leading a community-based media project named “A Korean in Solidarity.”…

Aug 9, 2021
