
Sam Sax Sam Sax

Sam Sax is the author of Madness (Penguin, 2017), winner of the National Poetry Series, selected by Terrance Hayes. His second book, Bury It, will be out on Wesleyan University Pre…

Nov 14, 2016

Zach Dorfman Zach Dorfman

Nov 14, 2016

Benjamin Barber Benjamin Barber

Benjamin Barber was Distinguished Senior Fellow at Fordham Law School’s Urban Consortium and the author, most recently, of If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, R…

Nov 14, 2016

Kelly Gallagher Kelly Gallagher

Kelly Gallagher is an experimental animator and filmmaker, currently residing in Ohio where she is an Assistant Professor of Media Arts at Antioch College. Her theoretical work inv…

Nov 11, 2016

Whitney Tymas Whitney Tymas

Whitney Tymas is a political advisor and formerly a staff attorney at the National District Attorneys Association. She also served as the director of the Race and Prosecution Proje…

Nov 11, 2016

Robert J. Smith Robert J. Smith

Robert Smith is the Director of the Fair Punishment Project, a joint initiative of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute and the Criminal Justice Institute at Harvard Law School.

Nov 11, 2016

Anna Vlasits Anna Vlasits

Anna Vlasits is a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, and a freelance journalist covering science and education. She’s on Twitter @AnnaIntegrated.

Nov 10, 2016

David Marcus David Marcus

David Marcus is the literary editor of The Nation and has contributed essays and reviews to …

Nov 10, 2016

Damon Young Damon Young

Damon Young is the editor-in-chief of VSB. He is also a contributing editor for And a columnist for EBONY Magazine. And a founding editor for 1839. Damon is busy. He liv…

Nov 9, 2016

Charles Baxter Charles Baxter

Charles Baxter is the author of 11 books of fiction and two books of criticism. He teaches at the University of Minnesota.

Nov 8, 2016
