Nitasha Kaul Nitasha Kaul
Nitasha Kaul is a Kashmiri novelist, poet, academic, artist and economist. Her novel Residue (Rupa/Rainlight, 2014) was shortlisted for the Man Asian Literary Prize. Aside from fiction and poetry, she comments in the media and has written in edited collections, journals and newspapers on the themes of identity, culture, economy, gender, social theory, technology, democracy, Bhutan and Kashmir. She has a joint PhD in Economics and Philosophy, is the author of the book Imagining Economics Otherwise (Routledge, 2007), and was previously a tenured academic teaching Economics and Creative Writing at universities in the UK and Bhutan. Currently, she is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Westminster in London where she teaches postgraduate courses in International Relations. She has travelled to over fifty-five countries across four continents, taking pictures of quirky streetscapes. More at and @NitashaKaul.
Mar 20, 2015
Clare Sestanovich Clare Sestanovich
Clare Sestanovich is a researcher and contributes to daily news coverage at The Marshal Project. Previously, she was an editorial fellow at The Atlantic and graduated from Yale University in 2013 with a degree in English.
Mar 20, 2015
James Abro James Abro
James Abro is the author of An Odyssey in the Great American Safety Net, a personal memoir of homelessness and recovery. He is the founder of Advocate for Economic Fairness and 32 Beach Productions. He works locally with faith-based Homeless Outreach groups, and nationally as an advocate for Homeless Rights. He is a regular contributor to Rebelle Society and TalkPoverty.
Mar 17, 2015
Brian Ward Brian Ward
Brian Ward is an indigenous rights and climate justice activist based in Washington, DC. A native of Wisconsin, he has spent time working and living with the Oglala Lakota on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota.
Mar 16, 2015
Leah Brunski Leah Brunski
Leah Brunski teaches third grade at PS 29 in Brooklyn. She's spent 11 years in New York City’s public school system, teaching students from second through fifth grades.
Mar 12, 2015
Jim Lobe Jim Lobe
Jim Lobe, the former Washington bureau chief of the international news agency Inter Press Service, is best known for his coverage of US foreign policy.
Mar 12, 2015
Avi Asher-Schapiro Avi Asher-Schapiro
Mar 11, 2015
Rebecca Vallas Rebecca Vallas
Rebecca Vallas is the director of policy of the poverty to prosperity program at the Center for American Progress and the coauthor of the report “One Strike and You’re Out: How We Can Remove Barriers to Economic Security and Mobility for People with Criminal Records."
Mar 11, 2015
Anna Tenuta Anna Tenuta
Anna Tenuta, the communications manager for the Global Fund for Women, is a guest columnist for Foreign Policy In Focus.
Mar 11, 2015
Krista Walton Potter Krista Walton Potter
Krista Walton Potter, the digital communications and editorial manager for the Global Fund for Women, is a guest columnist for Foreign Policy In Focus.
Mar 11, 2015