Michael Amico Michael Amico
Michael Amico is a PhD candidate in American Studies at Yale University. He’s published frequently in publications for LGBT youth, such as Young Gay America, as well as providing political analysis for publications such as the Boston Phoenix.
Oct 1, 2013
Ann Pellegrini Ann Pellegrini
Ann Pellegrini is professor of performance studies and religious studies at New York University, where she also directs NYU's Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality. She has written extensively about religion, sexuality, and U.S. public life. Her publications include Performance Anxieties and the coauthored book Love the Sin (Beacon Press, 2004).
Oct 1, 2013
Julian Sagastume Julian Sagastume
Julian Sagastume is a junior at Yale University Majoring in Political Science. He spent the past year working with the Obama Campaign and as a communications assistant for Illinois State Senator Heather Steans, whose marriage equality bill passed the Illinois Senate in April.
Sep 30, 2013
Monica Meeks Monica Meeks
Monica Meeks is a rising senior studying International Studies and French at Washington University. She hopes to pursue a career in public health and research after she graduates.
Sep 30, 2013
Stephanie Poggi Stephanie Poggi
Stephanie Poggi is the executive director of the National Network of Abortion Funds and the co-chair of the All* Above All campaign.
Sep 27, 2013
Omar Ghabra Omar Ghabra
Omar Ghabra (@omarghabra) is a Syrian-American writer who grew up in the rural mountains of southern West Virginia. He studied political science, journalism and biology at West Virginia University and is a former Nation intern.
Sep 25, 2013
Christopher Calabrese Christopher Calabrese
Christopher Calabrese is a legislative counsel for privacy-related issues for the ACLU in Washington. He has testified before Congress and appeared in many media outlets, including CBS Evening News, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. Follow him on Twitter at @CRCalabrese.
Sep 23, 2013
Allegra Kirkland Allegra Kirkland
Allegra Kirkland is a freelance journalist and spring 2014 web fellow with The Nation. She focuses on urban issues, Latin American-US relations and visual art.
Sep 23, 2013
Suzanna Fritzberg Suzanna Fritzberg
Suzanna Fritzberg is a senior at Yale University from Seattle, Washington. She's a Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies major with a concentration in American public policy, and active in progressive politics and feminist activism on campus.
Sep 19, 2013
Bryn Grunwald Bryn Grunwald
Bryn Grunwald, a freshman at Eckerd College, enjoys reading books about American plutocracy, talking about Doctor Who and practicing martial arts.
Sep 19, 2013