
Roxane Gay Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay lives and writes in the Midwest. She has a novel, An Untamed State (Grove Atlantic) and an essay collection, Bad Feminist (Harper), forthcoming in 2014. 

Aug 19, 2013

Sean Guillory Sean Guillory

Sean Guillory is a postdoctoral fellow in the Center for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. He blogs about Russia at Sean’s Russia Blog, on Twitter @seansrussiablog.

Aug 19, 2013

Jake Scobey-Thal Jake Scobey-Thal

Jake Scobey-Thal is a freelance journalist focusing on development and human rights in Asia. He can be followed @jakescobey.

Aug 14, 2013

Joanna Scutts Joanna Scutts

Joanna Scutts teaches at New York University’s Gallatin School. She is at work on a book about 1930s self-help and its appeal to single women.

Aug 13, 2013

Michael Rosen Michael Rosen

Michael Rosen, a political philosopher who teaches in the department of government at Harvard, is the author of Dignity: Its History and Meaning.

Aug 13, 2013

Rania Khalek Rania Khalek

Rania Khalek is an independent journalist reporting on the underclass and marginalized. She's written for Extra, Salon, Truthout, AlterNet, In These Times and more. For more of her work check out her blog, Dispatches from the Underclass.

Aug 13, 2013

Prashanth Kamalakanthan Prashanth Kamalakanthan

Prashanth Kamalakanthan writes on race, US foreign policy and political economy. He was a summer 2013 Nation intern and can be followed @pkinbrief. 

Aug 12, 2013

Elizabeth Castelli Elizabeth Castelli

Elizabeth Castelli is the Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Religion at Barnard College.

Aug 9, 2013

Emily Jane Goodman Emily Jane Goodman

Emily Jane Goodman is a former Justice of the New York Supreme Court. She was frequently a target of Mayoral and tabloid attacks.

Aug 5, 2013

Catharine Bellinger Catharine Bellinger

Catharine Bellinger is co-Founder and co-Executive Director of Students for Education Reform.

Aug 5, 2013
