Laura Gottesdiener Laura Gottesdiener
Laura Gottesdiener is a journalist, social justice activist and author of A Dream Foreclosed: Black America and the Fight for a Place to Call Home, published this month by Zuccotti Park Press. She is an associate editor for Waging Nonviolence, and she has written for Rolling Stone, Ms. magazine, the Arizona Republic, AlterNet and other publications. She lived and worked in the People’s Kitchen during the occupation of Zuccotti Park.
Aug 1, 2013
Ali Roseberry-Polier Ali Roseberry-Polier
Ali Roseberry-Polier is an editorial intern at Waging Nonviolence.
Jul 30, 2013
Toshio Meronek Toshio Meronek
Toshio Meronek is an independent journalist who has covered disability, prisons, and LGBT/queer issues for The Advocate, Huffington Post, In These Times, Truthout, and many others. He is also former editor of The Abolitionist, the newspaper of the anti-prison industrial complex organization Critical Resistance.
Jul 23, 2013
George Lois George Lois
George Lois is an art director. His covers for Esquire magazine have been exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art.
Jul 19, 2013
Laurence Zuckerman Laurence Zuckerman
Laurence Zuckerman, a former New York Times reporter, is an adjunct professor at Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism.
Jul 17, 2013
Michael Hofmann Michael Hofmann
Jul 16, 2013
Whitney Barkley Whitney Barkley
Whitney Barkley serves as a staff attorney at the Mississippi Center for Justice, where she focuses on protecting Mississippians from predatory for-profit colleges and helping high school students access affordable financial aid. Prior to joining the Center, Barkley spent summers interning at the Equal Rights Center and Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, where she worked on projects involving payday lending, fair housing and election protection.
Jul 11, 2013
Victoria Law Victoria Law
Victoria Law is a writer, photographer and mother. She is the author of Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggle of Incarcerated Women (PM Press 2009) and the co-editor of Don't Leave Your Friends Behind: Concrete Ways to Support Families in Social Justice Movements and Communities (PM Press 2012).
Jul 10, 2013
Matthew Harwood Matthew Harwood
Matthew Harwood is senior writer/editor with the ACLU. A TomDispatch regular, his work has been published by Al-Jazeera America, the American Conservative, the Columbia Journalism Review, the Guardian, Guernica, Reason, Salon, Truthout and the Washington Monthly. He also regularly reviews books for the Future of Freedom Foundation. Follow him on Twitter at @mharwood31.
Jul 9, 2013
Vincent Mersich Vincent Mersich
Vincent Mersich is a plaintiffs’ employment attorney in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Jul 8, 2013