Phoebe Zerwick Phoebe Zerwick
Phoebe Zerwick is a former reporter and editor at the Winston-Salem Journal and a lecturer in the English Department at Wake Forest University, where she teaches writing and journalism.
Jun 5, 2013
Erica Brazelton Erica Brazelton
Erica Brazelton is a freelance writer and anti-poverty activist based in Michigan. She is the creator of The Negress which critiques American culture and politics from a Black Feminist perspective using an intersectional lens.
Jun 5, 2013
James M. Boughton James M. Boughton
James M. Boughton is a historian of the International Monetary Fund.
Jun 5, 2013
James Morone James Morone
James Morone is Professor of Political Science at Brown University.
Jun 4, 2013
Brian Fitzpatrick Brian Fitzpatrick
Brian Fitzpatrick (@BrianFitz_) is an independent reporter whose work has been featured by The Nation, New Internationalist and a range of UK and Irish news outlets. To date his work has focused on trade and resources, crime, paramilitarism and human rights.
May 31, 2013
Michael Norby Michael Norby
Michael Norby (@MichaelRNorby) is a freelance reporter. With journalist Brian Fitzpatrick, he has worked extensively on human rights issues across Colombia. Their previous joint work has included an investigation into paramilitary networks in Haiti, and has appeared in The Guardian, The Irish Times and New Internationalist Magazine.
May 31, 2013
Tamar Birckhead Tamar Birckhead
Tamar Birckhead is a University of North Carolina law professor, criminal defense attorney and juvenile justice advocate.
May 28, 2013
Bhaskar Sunkara Bhaskar Sunkara
Bhaskar Sunkara is the founding editor of Jacobin and a senior editor at In These Times.
May 22, 2013
Nikhil Goyal Nikhil Goyal
Nikhil Goyal is the 17-year-old author of One Size Does Not Fit All: A Student's Assessment of School and has written for Forbes and NPR.
May 21, 2013
Lynn Paltrow Lynn Paltrow
Lynn M. Paltrow, J.D., is the Founder and Executive Director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women ( Ms. Paltrow combines legal advocacy with grassroots and national organizing and public education work to ensure that upon becoming pregnant women do not lose their civil and human rights.
May 20, 2013