Alli Welton Alli Welton
Alli Welton is a sophomore studying History of Science at Harvard College and hailing from eastern Washington state. She has been involved since 2011 with Students for a Just and Stable Future, a New England-based network of student groups involved in climate advocacy, and now serves as SJSF's Media and External Communications Coordinator.
Nov 14, 2012
Noni M. Grant Noni M. Grant
Nov 13, 2012
Eugene Jarecki Eugene Jarecki
Eugene Jarecki is an acclaimed filmmaker who has twice won the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival, first in 2005 for Why We Fight, an examination of America's military-industrial complex and then in 2012 for The House I Live In, an exploration of the origins and impact of the US War on Drugs. His other films include Reagan (HBO, 2011), The Trials of Henry Kissinger (BBC/Sundance, 2002) and Freakonomics (Magnolia, 2010). He is also the author of The American Way of War (Simon & Schuster, 2008), andthe creator of Move Your Money, a viral video that sparked a national movement to shift personal banking away from "too big to fail" banks in 2010.
Nov 8, 2012
Alex Berryhill Alex Berryhill
Alex Berryhill is an undergraduate student reporter for The Daily Cal.
Nov 8, 2012
Julianne Hing Julianne Hing
Julianne Hing is a contributing writer at The Nation, where she covers immigration and the politics of the changing demography of the United States. She previously covered immigrat…
Nov 6, 2012
Helen Yang Helen Yang
Helen Yang, a sophomore at Princeton University, is very interested in the environment and community service, and has engaged in volunteering activities such as the Fair Oaks Youth Advisory Board, National Honors Society, and teaching opportunities.
Nov 5, 2012
Adam Martin Adam Martin
Adam Martin is a writer, musician, and student at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Oct 31, 2012
John Knefel John Knefel
John Knefel is an independent journalist based in Brooklyn. He has written for Salon, Alternet, Truthout, FAIR, and The Onion. He is also the co-host of Radio Dispatch, which airs Monday–Thursday and which focuses on radical and underreported stories.
Oct 31, 2012
Linda Polman Linda Polman
Linda Polman, a Dutch freelance journalist, is the author of War Games: The Story of War and Aid in Modern Times.
Oct 31, 2012
Sarah Waheed Sarah Waheed
Sarah Waheed, a historian of modern South Asia, specializes in Islam in South Asia, nationalist politics in colonial India and post-colonial India and Pakistan. She currently teaches at Georgetown University.
Oct 31, 2012