Kristen Iversen Kristen Iversen
Kristen Iversen is an American writer of nonfiction and fiction, and the author of Full Body Burden: Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats (2012) and Molly Brown: Unraveling the Myth (1999).
May 22, 2012
Joy Lawson Joy Lawson
Joy Lawson is currently the Director of Young People For (YP4), a year-long leadership development program that helps a diverse set of student leaders turns their idealism into actions that advance social change on their campuses and in their communities. YP4 is a program of People For the American Way Foundation. Lawson began her career as a student organizer at the University of Kansas. For her work on Sex Education, she was awarded the Generation-to-Generation Chapter Leadership Award. Soon after, she joined the staff at Choice USA as a National Field Associate and later as the Midwestern States Field Coordinator. Committed to mentorship, she currently acts as a coach for the New Leaders Fellowship, housed in the Center for Progressive Leadership.
May 18, 2012
Alexis Goldstein Alexis Goldstein
Alexis Goldstein is a former Wall Street professional and currently serves as the Communications Director for The Other 98%.
May 15, 2012
Ben Prawdzik Ben Prawdzik
Ben Prawdzik, a staff reporter for the Yale Daily News, hails from the greater Boston area and is the town-gown beat reporter for the News. He covers town-gown relations and economic development in New Haven.
May 10, 2012
Stephen Wertheim Stephen Wertheim
Stephen Wertheim is a doctoral candidate in the history department at Columbia University.
May 9, 2012
Michael Casey Michael Casey
May 9, 2012
Richard (R.J.) Eskow Richard (R.J.) Eskow
Richard (R.J.) Eskow is a former executive with experience in healthcare, benefits and risk management, finance, and information technology. He is a senior fellow with the Campaign for America's Future and hosts The Breakdown, which is broadcast on We Act Radio in Washington, DC.
May 9, 2012
Gabriel Matthew Schivone Gabriel Matthew Schivone
Gabriel Matthew Schivone is a Tucson native, alumni and current resident of Tucson Unified School District (TUSD). He has a column in the “Latino Voices” section of Huffington Post.
May 8, 2012
Loren Fogel Loren Fogel
Loren Fogel is a spring 2012 Nation intern and is based in Washington, D.C. He has interned and worked for Congressman Dennis Kucinich and Senator Sherrod Brown, as well as with the non-profit, Psychologists for Social Responsibility. Loren holds a B.A. from American University in an interdisciplinary degree of his own design, entitled Cultural Peace Paradigms.
May 8, 2012
Zachary A. Bell Zachary A. Bell
Zachary Bell is a Brooklyn-based journalist and an editor at {young}, a digital safe space for the global young left. He can be reached at zacharyabell[at]gmail[dot]com and @zacharyabell on twitter.
May 7, 2012