StudentNation StudentNation
Campus-oriented news, first-person reports from student activists and journalists about their campus.
Jul 12, 2012
Jean Casella Jean Casella
Jean Casella edits Solitary Watch (, with James Ridgeway. She is a 2012 Soros Justice Media Fellow and also writes frequently about criminal justice issues for Mother Jones.
Jul 11, 2012
Matthew Cunningham-Cook Matthew Cunningham-Cook
Matthew Cunningham-Cook was a Nation intern in the summer of 2012. An activist and reporter in the labor movement, he has worked with Labor Notes, AFSCME, and the UAW.
Jul 5, 2012
Deepa Kumar Deepa Kumar
Deepa Kumar is an associate professor of Media Studies and Middle East Studies at Rutgers University. She is the author of Outside the Box: Corporate Media, Globalization and the UPS Strike and Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire.
Jul 2, 2012
Nan Levinson Nan Levinson
Nan Levinson, a Boston-based journalist, reports on civil liberties, politics, and culture. Her next book, War Is Not a Game, is about the recent G.I. antiwar movement. She is the author of Outspoken: Free Speech Stories, was the U.S. correspondent for Index on Censorship, and teaches journalism and fiction writing at Tufts University.
Jun 28, 2012
Clara Gutteridge Clara Gutteridge
Clara Gutteridge is a human rights investigator who documents national security–related abuses in the East and Horn of Africa. She was formerly resident fellow at the Open Society Justice Initiative and Deputy Director of the Secret Prisons team at Reprieve. Follow her on Twitter at @GutteridgeClara.
Jun 27, 2012
Tom Perriello Tom Perriello
Tom Perriello, who represented Virginia's 5th congressional district from 2009 to 2011, is the president and CEO of the Center for American Progress Action Fund and counselor for policy to the Center for American Progress.
Jun 26, 2012
Hendrik Hartog Hendrik Hartog
Hendrik Hartog, who teaches history at Princeton University, is the author, most recently, of Someday All This Will Be Yours: A History of Inheritance and Old Age.
Jun 25, 2012
John M. Ackerman John M. Ackerman
John M. Ackerman (@JohnMAckerman, is a professor at the Institute for Legal Research at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), editor-in-chief of the Mexican Law Review and a columnist for Proceso magazine and La Jornada newspaper.
Jun 25, 2012